
Human Rights

Adama Traoré Echoes George Floyd: Thousands of Protesters in the Streets of France

People no longer want this police violence, this terrible injustice, this racial discrimination. They will not let it happen again. Not here, not anywhere. While dozens of cities in the USA are “on fire and blood”, according to the press,…

Black Lives Matter Demo in Budapest

On June 7, 2020, about one thousand people gathered on Szabadság tér (Liberty Square) in Budapest to express their solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement in front of the US Embassy. The event was organized by Gregory G Ras and…

Tear Down the Racist Statues, End Racist Debt and Pay for Equalizing Reparations

By Vijay Prashad The statues are coming down. The most recent avalanche began in the United States after the murder of George Floyd at the hands of police and the uprising it occasioned. In Philadelphia, the city removed a statue…

The conversation is the protest: How Black Lives Matter Forced us to Imagine a World without Police

Prior to the historic groundswell of protest over the last two weeks, many in the media had written Black Lives Matter’s obituary — either lamenting or celebrating its supposed demise. But that narrative was clearly premature.  Not only was the…

Note Six: The Just Distribution and Ethical Use of Property

By Howard Richards From the New York Times, June 2, 2020: ´The anger is different this time. After years of Americans being killed by the police — more than 1,000 per year, for as long as statistics exist — something…

New UN report highlights link between gender, climate and security

Even as countries buckle under the devastating social and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, they must consider the links between gender inequality and crisis, particularly in communities affected by climate change and conflict. That’s the premise of a new…

Tear Down the Racist Statues, End Racist Debt and Pay for Equalizing Reparations

By Vijay Prashad The statues are coming down. The most recent avalanche began in the United States after the murder of George Floyd at the hands of police and the uprising it occasioned. In Philadelphia, the city removed a statue…

Universal Basic Income at the World Forum for Water, Earth and Climate and Diversity

There will be no brake on climate change, we will not be putting Life at the center, if there is no social justice and we do not ensure the survival of all humanity. Today it is possible to end NOW,…

Declare a State of Moral Emergency

By Peter Geffen Derek Chauvin murdered George Floyd, but I am responsible. Sixty years ago Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel pointed to the reality of our moral situation then. His words ring truer today than ever: “In a free society, some…

The Poor People’s Campaign: National Call for Moral Revival

ACTIONS: Monday, June 8th and Saturday June 20th, 2020 In 1968, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and many others called for a “revolution of values” in America. They sought to build a broad, fusion movement that could unite poor…

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