
Human Rights

US Intelligence Agencies Spied on Assange

Court records confirm: Behind Julian Assange’s surveillance was the security team of US billionaire Sheldon Adelson. Rafael Lutz for the online newspaper INFOsperber A campaign has been going on for years against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who has used the…

Covid recovery and radical social change

A post-Covid world must genuinely value care, embrace vulnerability, and attack the existing structures of privilege. The view that radical societal change has been taking place during the Covid-19 pandemic has been expressed by progressive figures and organisations. For example,…

Opinion: Genocide denial concerns us all

Protecting the truth from deniers and serving justice for victims of the Srebrenica genocide is our best bet to prevent genocides from occurring again, writes Council of Europe Human Rights Commissioner Dunja Mijatovic. That genocide was perpetrated in and around the…

Kabyle: A Language, a People, and a Heritage to Defend

Today, more than six thousand languages ​​are spoken in the world and according to Unesco, half of the languages ​​spoken by less than ten thousand people will disappear by the end of the century. The longevity of a language depends…

About half of Oklahoma is Native American land, rules U.S. Supreme Court

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Thursday that about half of the land in Oklahoma is within a Native American reservation. The court ruling will have major consequences for both past and future criminal and civil cases in the U.S. The…

UN chief underscores need for reconciliation 25 years after Srebrenica genocide

Twenty-five years after the Srebrenica genocide, peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina remains fragile, underscoring the need for true reconciliation in the region, the UN Secretary-General said on Thursday in a video message marking the anniversary of the worst atrocity crime…

EU Solidarity on Migrant Children in Greece Could Change Lives

Sweden should welcome and protect unaccompanied children On April 15, Luxembourg became the first European country to welcome asylum-seeking children, 12 girls and boys, from the Greek islands. And on April 16, 47 children arrived in Germany. These children were…

Belarus, Historic Moment: The Supreme Court Cancels a Death Sentence

On June 30th the Supreme court of Belarus has upheld Viktar Skrundzig’s appeal by cancelling his death sentence issued three months earlier by the Slukts City Court and by arranging a review of his case and a retrial. Skrundzig was…

A Landmark Project Aims at Reforestation in Togo

Income Opportunities for Women By Ramesh Jaura Togo in West Africa is the venue of a milestone project between Soka Gakkai, a global community-based Buddhist organization and the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO). The two have signed a memorandum to…

Uyghur emojis help spread message of cultural resistance over social media

Emojis representing Uyghur characters and culture are now available on the encrypted messenger platform Telegram in an effort by the Uyghur diaspora in Russian-speaking countries to raise visibility. While Uyghurs living in China are experiencing unprecedented attacks on their most…

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