
Human Rights

German Catholic Workers throw support behind Europe-wide push for unconditional basic income

By: Cameron Doody – In light of the pandemic, “it is more than clear that we need an unconditional basic income in Europe” “In view of the effects of the pandemic measures, it is more than clear that we need an…

A Disenfranchisement Pact

Von der Leyen’s EU Migration Pact replicates illegal Hungarian measures; Western powers already create new reasons for flight. Commission President Ursula von der Leyen’s new EU Migration Pact replicates illegal elements of the notorious Hungarian anti-refugee defense and is sharply…

September 25: The collection of signatures for the European Citizens’ Initiative for an unconditional basic income begins.

This September 25, 2020, the collection of signatures begins to bring to fruition the European Citizen Initiative for an Unconditional Basic Income. It involves the collection of 1 million signatures in at least 7 countries of the European Union and…

The Future We Want, The UN We Need

By Robert W. Sandford As we reflect on this week and celebrate the United Nations’ rise in the war-ravaged world some 75 years ago, humanity is again being asked to lay the foundation for a new world. As in 1945, we…

We Simply Want Peace in Colombia and For The Atrocities to Stop

According to the United Nations Commissioner,  there have been 33 massacres so far this year. By Gustavo Espinoza With much indignation, Colombian citizens, organizations, and various groups in New York continue to denounce before the world the murders of the…

The Netherlands’ Action Against Syria: A New Path to Justice

The Netherlands announced on Sept. 18 that it had notified Syria of its intention to hold that government accountable for torture under the United Nations Convention against Torture. The Syrian government responded by saying the Netherlands had no right to address human rights,…

The EU is on a collision course with Poland over hate crime

In her first state of the union address as president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen called out hatred and pledged to build “a union of equality”. While European institutions have been at the forefront of fighting hate…

Top Human Rights Tweets of the Week

Trending rights tweets this week: Five years since Angela Merkel admitted one million refugees to Germany, they have largely been a success story; violent protests erupt in Colombia after a man dies in police custody; a devastating fire breaks out in…

13 presidents past and present urge UK government to halt Julian Assange’s extradition proceedings and grant his immediate freedom

As Julian Assange fights US extradition at the Old Bailey in London, over one hundred eminent political figures, including 13 past and present heads of state, numerous ministers, members of parliament and diplomats, have today denounced the illegality of the…

Assange’s Ninth Day at the Old Bailey: Torture Testimonies, Offers of Pardon and Truth Telling

By Dr Binoy Kampmark September 18.  Central Criminal Court, London. The extradition trial of Julian Assange at the Old Bailey moved into a higher gear today.  Testimonies spanned the importance of classified information in war journalism, the teasing offer of…

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