
Human Rights

PH dev’t NGOs: Take People Power to Local Communities as Nation Commemorates EDSA Uprising 

The Caucus of Development Non-Government Organization Networks (CODE-NGO) enjoins the Filipino public to keep the spirit of the 1986 EDSA Uprising alive by putting ordinary people at the front and center of local development and local autonomy – ideals, among…

Latin American and Caribbean Day of Integration has begun

The Latin American and Caribbean Day of Peoples’ Integration inaugurated its activities with an exciting cultural event in the city of Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil. This event brings together various organizations, movements, and political parties with the aim of addressing…

Ruchama Marton: A voice from Israel against hatred and revenge

It is 20 years now that we accompanied the Mobile Clinic of Physicians for Human Rights Israel (PHR‑I) on a mission in the West Bank and the Negev for our documentary film “1000 Women and a Dream”.* Back then, we portrayed Israeli…

Brazil to propose global alliance against hunger and poverty to G20

Brazil will today propose to the G20 a global alliance against hunger and poverty, coinciding with the South American country’s rotating presidency of the group this year. The initiative was proposed by Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva when…

The fractured state of Myanmar

If anybody reads Myanmar’s state-run daily newspaper, the Global New Light of Myanmar, the oldest English Daily that covers news, the state Myanmar Radio and Television (MRTV), one would not fathom the crisis faced by the Myanmar government. News coming…

Balance Migratorio ’23: “2,789 people lost their lives or disappeared forever at Spain’s southern border”.

This is the record number of deaths and disappearances at the southern border since 1988 when the first registers were documented. A total of 58,267 people entered the Spanish state irregularly through its southern border, an increase of 40% compared…

How Nations Could End Israeli Genocide: Stop the Weapons; Stop the Oil; Stop the Tech

How Nations Could End Israeli Genocide: Stop the Weapons; Stop the Oil; Stop the Tech By Marcy Winograd If the nations of the world–particularly the United States and the Arab countries–wanted to stop Israel’s slaughter, torture and ethnic cleansing in…

A rally for the release of Julian Assange to be held in Argentina on 20 February

The activist group “Libertad Assange Argentina” is organizing a big event and art festival in defense of the Australian journalist Julian Assange on Tuesday 20 February, starting at 17:00. The event will take place in the emblematic Plaza de Mayo…

Diallo Ablaye/ “Genocide in the Congo and the total silence of the international community

Diallo Ablaye, founding vice-president of the Sur Sur International Cooperation Foundation, international representative of the World Pan-African Organisation OPAM-WOPO/OPDH, and secretary of CONAICOP (National and International Council of Popular Communication). We often speak about the genocide in Palestine. There is…

Supporters Rally Outside UK Consulate in NYC as Julian Assange’s High Court Hearing Begins

Today, amidst chilling temperatures, passionate supporters of journalist Julian Assange gathered outside the UK Consulate in New York City. Organized by various groups including NYC Free Assange, Assange Defense, and CODEPINK, the rally aimed to draw attention to Assange’s high-stakes…

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