
Human Rights

In the name of the mother: the fight over naming politics in Central Asia

Giving a mother’s or a father’s name to children at birth has become a battleground for activists in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan Uprooting naming conventions is no easy task, but activists in Central Asia, especially women and LGBTQI+ people, are defying…

The Henry Borel Case : Death, Militias, And The Media In Rio De Janeriro 1

Luciane Silva, Tiago Abud, Eliz Rosa – Researches with the Núcleo Cidade Cultura e Conflito of UENF The death of Henry Borel, a child of 4 years, has captured the attention of the researchers for the Núcleo de Pesquisa Cidade,…

The Canary Islands face tensions over migrants’ arrival

Since January 2020, more than 23,000 migrants have arrived on the islands Written by Laura Carraso Alvarez The COVID-19 pandemic has not stopped the increase in migrant arrivals in Europe that began with the turbulent exodus of millions of people…

Why Delivery Workers Across the Planet Are Rising Up Against Exploitation

Even before the crisis of the pandemic, food delivery companies have seen their profits skyrocket while their so-called “self-employed” workers suffer rights violations and were banned from unionizing. By Taroa Zúñiga Silva On February 22, 2019, at 6 p.m., a…

Myanmar: “The people will not surrender until the military junta is overthrown”

In Myanmar, a Southeast Asian country formerly known as Burma, on February 1, the Tatmadaw, the national Army, regained power with a coup, declaring a state of emergency for a year and arresting civilian leaders, whose government it had been…

Press Freedom under Lockdown Across Two-Thirds of the Globe

By Ed Holt May 3 is World Press Freedom Day. This feature is part of a series highlighting the current state of media freedom globally Independent journalism is facing a growing crackdown one year into the COVID-19 pandemic as governments…

Alexei Navalny: protesters defy state crackdown to support hunger-striking Russian dissident

Tens of thousands of protesters have gathered in the streets of Russia’s cities to support the dissident politician Alexei Navalny, who is currently on hunger strike in a prison hospital. The fact that those numbers were down on the crowds…

‘Let This Be a Turning Point’: Chauvin Conviction Sparks Calls for ‘True Justice’

“This verdict is not a substitute for policy change.” This is accountability, but not justice—that was a widely shared sentiment after a jury in Minnesota on Tuesday found Derek Chauvin, a white former police officer, guilty of murdering George Floyd, an unarmed Black man, in Minneapolis…

Rights experts condemn UK racism report attempting to ‘normalize white supremacy’

UN independent human rights experts on Monday denounced a government-backed report into racism in the United Kingdom, saying that it further distorted and falsified historical facts, and could even fuel racism and racial discrimination. “In 2021, it is stunning to…

People’s Leader: A Dalit Woman Becomes The Voice of Farmers In India

By Sania Farooqui On 12 January this year, somewhere in the outskirts of the capital, New Delhi, 24 year old Dalit activist Nodeep Kaur was arrested by the Haryana police for protesting outside a factory. During the lockdown in 2020,…

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