
Human Rights

Face 2 Face with David Rojas

On this show we are speaking with  David Rojas, Colombian activist living in New York, about the serious situation in Colombia where at least 19 people were killed during protests opposing tax increase and inequality.

Why the PRO Act Is a Game-Changer for Labor and the Economy

A comprehensive labor bill would give workers a level playing field to organize for their rights—if Senate Democrats can muster enough votes. By Sonali Kolhatkar Among the many reasons behind the recent failure of Amazon warehouse workers in Bessemer, Alabama,…

#SOSColombia in Times Square in Photos

Rally taking place in Times Square, New York to demand an end to the horrific state violence being committed by the Duque’s government. This protest is part of a global movement in solidarity with the Colombian people all over the…

Also Men – My Case Against Trigger Warnings in the New School

I also was raped. The word ‘also’ shouldn’t need to be written there, but it seems necessary to make my voice heard. The word ‘also’ issues a message: Not only women are raped. I was a soldier, 17 years old,…

Brazil: the impacts of wildcat mining for women

Indigenous peoples live in distress, anguish, and fear due to the illegal activity and the risk of mercury contamination By Martha Raquel Illicit mining activity has daily impacts on indigenous peoples in Brazil. Invasions ushered by wildcat mining meddle and…

A free press up to the times

May 3 is International Press Freedom Day. On this day we are used to recalling the fact that, in many places around the world, freedom of the press is violated, journalists are murdered or intimidated and the critical press sidelined…

NYC Rally in Solidarity with Colombia

May 5 2021 Manhattan, New York – over a hundred people have gathered in NYC in Solidarity with Colombia, as at least 19 people are dead in Colombia as protesters oppose tax increase and inequality. Photos by Helena La Rota…

Students, professors, researchers, human rights activists, graduates, Colombian citizens, and foreigners oppose the visit of former President Álvaro Uribe to New York University – NYU.

As students, professors, researchers and human rights activists, alumni, we strongly oppose this invitation for former president Alvaro Uribe to engage in this academic webinar. As a known violator to human rights and environmental rights, Uribe is a questionable person…

Russian feminist activist Yulia Tsvetkova announces hunger strike

Human rights groups have labeled Tsvetkova a prisoner of conscience Written by Tanya Lokot Yulia Tsvetkova, an LGBT activist and feminist artist who is facing a prison sentence on charges of distributing pornographic images for sharing “body-positive” drawings on social…

Two classes of trans kids are emerging – those who have access to puberty blockers, and those who don’t

For people who have never thought about it before, it might sound reasonable to require trans kids to wait until they’re adults before they can receive certain forms of care known as gender-affirming treatment – which is what legislation that…

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