
Human Rights

Reimagining Education with Imagination

By Yasmine Sherif – Yasmine Sherif, Director of Education Cannot Wait To achieve SDG4 on quality inclusive education, we must prioritize mental health The month of May marks mental health awareness month or mental health awareness week in several countries…

Women who Build the Future: Zohar Chamberlain Regev

Zohar Chamberlain Regev, who is Israeli, works as a volunteer at the Palestine Museum of Natural History, which is directed by Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh. The Museum’s motto is respect for oneself, respect for others and respect for ones’ environment, as…

“Basic Income would allow us to gain a social base that is essential to defeat fascism”. Interview with Daniel Raventós

Laure Vega conducted this interview for Catarsi magazine. We begin, as always, with a brief explanation of what Basic Income is and its defence from a republican perspective: Basic Income is a public, monetary, unconditional and universal allocation. It is…

Jerusalem: the politics behind the latest explosion of violence in the Holy City

The recent violence at the al-Aqsa mosque/Temple Mount area and in the Old City of Jerusalem has spiralled into something bigger and more dangerous. Clashes between Israeli security forces and Palestinian protesters at the weekend have left hundreds injured. Tensions…

Tensions could escalate to ‘full-scale war’, UN Middle East envoy warns

The UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process added his voice to calls for calm in the Occupied Palestinian Territory late on Tuesday, warning that the situation is “escalating towards a full-scale war”, amid continuing air strikes and…

How Chileans went from jumping subway turnstiles to rewriting the Constitution

While most Chileans want deep systemic change, the vote to create a new constitution is a historic moment in the struggle to undo the legacy of Pinochet’s dictatorship. Jordan Flaherty By Jordan Flaherty Mass protests that began in 2019 in…

Latvia’s Saeima notes Ottoman genocide against Armenians

On Thursday, May 6, the Latvian Saeima adopted a  declaration  on the Armenian genocide carried out during the time of the Ottoman Empire, honoring the memory of all the victims of the Armenian genocide and paying tribute to the survivors.…

Europe: Redouble Efforts to End Violence Against Women

Mark Istanbul Convention’s 10th Anniversary with Action Council of Europe member states should reinforce efforts to combat violence against women by swiftly ratifying and carrying out a landmark regional convention on women’s rights, Human Rights Watch said today. Human Rights…

Afghanistan: Taliban declare three-day cease-fire for Eid

Just hours before the Taliban announced a cease-fire to mark the end of Ramadan, at least 11 people died in a bomb attack on a bus in the southern Zabul province. The Taliban announced a three-day cease-fire Monday to mark the…

An Unconditional Basic Income for Every Inhabitant of the Planet Is Necessary and Possible

An unconditional basic income for every inhabitant of the planet is both necessary and possible. This intervention took place within the panel “Is an unconditional basic income necessary and possible for every inhabitant of the planet?“, during the 8th Symposium…

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