
Human Rights

The colours of Western Sahara flood the centre of Madrid, calling on Spain to fulfil its obligation as an administering power

This Saturday, 19 June, saw the closing of the March for the Freedom of the Sahrawi People, with a demonstration that brought together tens of thousands of Spaniards and Sahrawis to demand that the government of Pedro Sánchez assume the…

Making Juneteenth a holiday was the easy part — but will real justice follow?

The horrors of slavery and the harms from subsequent racial injustices cannot be met with symbolic gestures like holidays. Real restitution must come in the form of reparations—which neither party seems interested in. By Sonali Kolhatkar After the United States…

Face 2 Face with Payal Mehta

LIVE SHOW – Friday, June 18 at 11 AM On this show we speak with Payal Mehta, volunteer at the Community Solidarity – Food is a right.  An all volunteer organization that rescues and distributes food to those marginalized and the…

Julian Assange’s Father and Brother in NYC to Demand Journalist’s Freedom

John and Gabriel Shipton, Julian Assange’s father and brother, traveled from Australia to undertake a nationwide tour of the U.S. from June 6 – July 2 to advocate for Julian’s release and to raise awareness about the importance of protecting…

IACHR Delegation Arrived in Colombia

In the midst of a caravan of flags and all kinds of banners related to the situation the country has experienced during the protests of the National Strike since last April 28, citizens received the delegates of the Inter-American Commission…

US Compels Small African Country to Imprison Venezuelan Diplomat – International Human Rights Delegation Files Habeas Corpus to Free Alex Saab

The Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab, imprisoned for trying to buy humanitarian supplies from Iran in legal international trade but in violation of illegal US sanctions, is facing extradition to the US. That is like getting stabbed in the back and…

How the Tulsa Race Massacre Was a Violent Act of Racist Economic Injustice

An underappreciated factor in the racist violence of the 1921 Tulsa massacre is how white supremacist forces decimated Black wealth. By Sonali Kolhatkar One hundred years after the worst instance of racist mob violence in 20th-century America, the Tulsa Race…

Peace in Colombia Should Mean Land Reform and an End to Hunger

Since the end of April, Colombia’s streets have smelled of tear gas. The government of Colombian President Iván Duque imposed policies that put the costs of the pandemic on the working class and the peasantry and triedto suffocate any advancement…

Peaceful Protest to End the War in Gaza

Dear friends and habibis, I want to share an experience with you all. An experience that has made a huge impression on me. An experience that will stay with me forever. By Amer Filali Friday 21st May I was in…

The current situation is that Israel is practically back to the new normal, but Palestine is worse than ever, with its hospitals at 100%.

Rafael Palomino, representative of the Spanish NGO Asamblea de Cooperación por la Paz. Rafael, welcome to 4 Elements. Let’s start by knowing the dimension of the new escalation of violence in the conflict between Palestine and Israel; explain to us…

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