
Human Rights

French pharmacy student the first winner of basic income raffle

On June 16, 2021, the first one-year basic income of 800 euros by the UBI4ALL initiative was raffled. The live online event was attended by 6,100 viewers from almost all European countries, such as Greece, Malta, Finland, the United Kingdom,…

North-west Syria: humanitarian catastrophe without the renewal of UN resolution

The UN resolution for humanitarian aid through the Bab Al-Hawa crossing expires on 10 July 2021: if it is not renewed, the lives of 3.4 million people will be in thrall to Bashar Al-Assad’s regime. The appeal of Still I…

Human Rights Investigators Probe Deadly Colombian Government Crackdown on Protests

An international human rights commission has arrived in Colombia to investigate the right-wing government’s brutal crackdown on protesters after a general strike was called in April. More than 80 people have died since the protests began, with many killed by…

“Stop denying racism, start dismantling it” UN High Commissioner for Human Rights says

Michelle Bachelet on Monday, June 28 2021 issued an urgent call for States to adopt a “transformative agenda” to uproot systemic racism, as she published a report casting a spotlight on the litany of violations of economic, social, cultural, civil…

Pride, Prayer and Protest at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, New York

LGBT Catholics seek equal rights and equal blessings. LGBTQ Catholic New Yorkers rallied outside St. Patrick’s Cathedral on Pride Sunday. It is a tradition that goes back to 1984 when members of DIGNITY NY eventually won a legal right to…

China calls for investigations of genocides in western countries

Genocide is a severe international crime that has brought untold misery to people in history and whose devastating impacts are still being felt today, Jiang Duan, minister of the Chinese mission to the United Nations (UN) in Geneva, said in…

A Guaranteed Income Can Increase Workers’ Bargaining Power

Basic income schemes are no silver bullet to make up for the loss of well-paid union jobs. But they can allow workers say no to the most thankless, low-wage work — and provide a platform from which to rebuild our…

IHP on International Refugee Day: “Bridges not walls”.

Refugees and displaced persons are neither pariahs nor illegals Today is the day that the UN has set since 2001, to make the situation of refugees and displaced persons in the world especially visible. The date was set in commemoration…

Homeless youth in New York will receive more than a thousand dollars a month for two years as part of a research project

The study aims to eradicate the ‘crisis’ of homelessness among New York youth, particularly among the Afro-descendant, Indigenous, Latino and LGBTQ populations. Several homeless youth in New York City will receive more than $ 1,000 in cash per month for…

Mass Demonstration against the New Proposed Labour Bill

On 10 June 2021 the first gathering and  protest march took place against the draft law which will be presented to parliament to be put to the vote by the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, Kostis Hatzidakis. The bill,…

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