
Human Rights

Let Cuba Live—The Movement Standing Up to Biden’s Maximum Pressure Campaign

On July 22, U.S. President Joe Biden and his Vice President Kamala Harris released a “fact sheet” on U.S. “measures” against Cuba. The release from the White House said that Cuba was a “top priority for the Biden-Harris administration.” On…

Basic Income and Realpolitik

Every day more and more people understand the importance of a universal basic income. Every day the idea is discussed, organised, disseminated, presented as part of the political agenda, and how to finance it. And what can we say about…

Sex Workers and COVID-19: Resisting the Pandemic and Criminalization

Georgina Orellano, secretary-general of the Association of Women Sex Workers of Argentina (AMMAR), says that “the pandemic has highlighted the inequality” in society and deepened the problems faced by sex workers. Sex work, which is not recognized in Argentina, has…

Bangladesh seeks Russia’s help in resolving Rohingya refugee crisis

Dhaka has made a proposal to Moscow to take a trilateral initiative among Bangladesh, Russia and Myanmar to resolve the Rohingya crisis while tripartite consultation among Dhaka, Beijing and Naypyidaw has been halted after military took power in Myanmar. Foreign…

Police shutting down Hempstead food share threatening arrest (video)

“Removing” issues from view doesn’t make them nonexistent and…doesn’t solve problems.   Community Solidarity is more than a nonprofit; more than a grassroots movement; it’s a philosophy. A philosophy based on the belief that empowered compassionate communities can heal themselves…

Fort Bliss and Biden Administration on the Wrong Side of History

Over 100 people attend rally at Fort Bliss to demand child detention ends now Immigrant rights advocates in Texas are demanding the Biden-Harris Administration immediately stop detaining immigrant children at the Ft. Bliss “emergency intake site” as well as the…

Palestine: Academics, artists and intellectuals denounce apartheid

The Declaration on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid in Historic Palestine has been endorsed by over 900 scholars, artists and intellectuals from more than 45 countries. The signatories include many distinguished figures, including the Nobel Peace Prize laureates Adolfo Pérez Esquivel and Mairead…

The hidden hand of the US blockade sparks Cuba protests

Protests erupted in various Cuban cities the weekend of July 11 over dire economic conditions and a surge in Covid-19 cases. They are the biggest protests to hit Cuba in three decades, and they may well continue in the coming…

A past of exclusion: the abuses of the Algerian regime against the Kabyle people

Independent Algeria was born in 1962. However, Kabylia, as a region is the base of a population with its own characteristics and social organization, is the product of a long history. This indigenous population, the first inhabitants to arrive in…

Supreme Court in Mexico declares cannabis prohibition unconstitutional

The Supreme Court of Mexico has ruled that the previously introduced legal ban on the use of cannabis was unconstitutional. The Courts judge called the declaration as historic in terms of respect for human rights.  By Amerika21 – Mexico’s…

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