

The Huge Potential of Agriculture to Slow Climate Change

Soil’s contribution to climate change, through the oxidation of soil carbon, is important, and soils—and thus agriculture—can play a major role in mitigating climate change. “Through multiple agricultural practices, we could help store vast amounts of atmospheric carbon in the…

Big Pharma has failed: the antibiotic pipeline needs to be taken under public ownership

Claas Kirchhelle, University of Oxford; Adam Roberts, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, and Andrew Singer, Centre for Ecology & Hydrology for The Conversation Antibiotics are among the most important medicines known to humankind, but we are running out of this…

The Neoliberal Assault on Warren’s Plan to Pay for Medicare for All

By John Atcheson | Both Sanders and Warren have come up with viable plans for funding Medicare for all. The neoliberal establishment and the conservatives have been going after Sanders’ approach by raising the specter of-middle class tax increases.…

“Unprecedented’ rise in infant mortality in England linked to poverty

Science Daily reports “New study, published in BMJ Open, links a rise in infant mortality in England to poverty.” The research was carried out because “Infant mortality rate (IMR) has risen for the last four years in England, yet the…

Ground-breaking clean air protocol to guard human health and the planet, enters into force

European and North American countries will take a major stride in cleaning up the atmosphere next Monday, 7 October, through the implementation of an amended legally binding treaty to limit the amount of emissions polluting the air. With 18 countries and the European Union now having ratified the…

Health and Wellbeing Project in Caucaia Park [Brazil] to overcome pain and suffering

The initiative offers free acupuncture and reiki services to residents of the Cotia region. This September, the Health and Wellness Project completes a year and a half offering acupuncture and reiki care to the residents of Caucaia de la Alta…

Over 3,000 killed by deadly virus in Democratic Republic of the Congo this year – and it’s not Ebola

Jeremy Rossman, University of Kent and Matthew Badham, University of Kent for The Conversation Ebola outbreaks, such as the current one in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), which has claimed 2,074 people’s lives, are widely covered in the…

Japan: Will contaminated water be dumped into the sea?

In 2022, according to forecasts, the Japanese company Tepco, owner of the Fukushima nuclear power plant, will no longer have a place to store contaminated [radioactive] water after the 2011 accident. Faced with this situation, Japan’s own Minister of the…

Humanising arrivals and departures

In Sao Paulo, on August 28, the Coletivo Feminista Sexualidade e Saúde organised in collaboration with members of REHUNO – Humanist Network for Health News the debate: “Humanising arrivals and departures: legal, emotional and psychological aspects of birth and death”.…

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