

Pilar Serrano: Traditional Chinese medicine helps with post-covid19 symptoms

In Cordoba, Spain, Pilar Serrano uses Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat people with various illnesses or physical ailments. For example, people diagnosed with cancer or people with degenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Multiple Sclerosis come…

COVID-19 pandemic spurs multi-headed problems – An interview with Caroline Audoir de Valter of Hope for the Children Foundation

INTERVIEW         by Perfecto Caparas In this Pressenza interview, Caroline Audoir de Valter, founder and CEO of Hope for the Children Foundation, discusses how her NGO has been responding to the COVID-19 devastation that grips the people…

Getting a Covid-19 jab in the Philippines

PHOTO/REPORT         Photos by Boldy Tapales/Text by Karina Santillan The government’s CoVid 19 vaccination program in the Philippines started to roll out last March 1. First in the lineup were front liners and senior citizens, like me.…

A warning from 900 psychologists and psychiatrists

“This Press Release is the outcome of observations, debates, experiences and studies made by psychologists, psychotherapists and psychiatrists concerned about the negative consequences of some of the measures adopted to address and contrast the spread of COVID-19, which may not…

Bill Gates Almost Single-Handedly Derailed the Plan That Could Have Led to a ‘People’s Vaccine’

For all his philanthropy, Gates is deeply committed to protecting the rights of patent holders. By Linda McQuaig Hard to believe now, but in the first few months of the pandemic it looked like the world was going to act…

Debate Over the Release of Patents on Anticovid Vaccines by Marianella Kloka

The debate on the patent release of COVID19 vaccines is open and has intensified in the context of the WHO Assembly, which is taking place these days. Marianella Kloka, from Pressenza’s Greek desk, which has been following this issue closely,…

María de Quesada: “Journalists should be agents of suicide prevention”

By Diego Villagraz, thanatologist and social worker. María de Quesada, journalist and head of the project “The yellow girl. Suicide narratives from love”. REHUNO: How did this project start? María de Quesada: The project emerges from my own personal experience,…

A Caring World Needs a Sharing World to End the COVID-19 Pandemic

A virus that mutates forever is a perpetual money-making machine for Big Pharma. Everybody else wants the world’s population to be vaccinated to control the spread of the pandemic. By Prabir Purkayastha After three months of dithering, the Biden administration…

Philippine Groups Celebrate Shortlisting of Lead Paint Regulation for Future Policy Award 2021

27 May 2021, Quezon City.  Government, industry and civil society groups lauded the shortlisting of the country’s landmark lead paint regulation for the Future Policy Award 2021 (FPA 2021) by the World Future Council (WFC).  The 12 shortlisted policies from…

74th World Health Assembly: “The Future of the Species is at Stake”

This was one of the statements which Dr. Carlos Ferreyra, Argentinian medical epidemiologist and climate activist, made in an interview which he gave to Pressenza on the occasion of the 74th World Health Assembly, and as promoter of the 1st…

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