

BAN Toxics Urges FDA and DTI to Review the 10-yr old RA 10620 or Toy and Game Safety Labeling Law

In celebration of Consumer Welfare Month, Toxic Watchdog group BAN Toxics urges the Food and Drug Administration and the Department of Trade and Industry to review, assess, and evaluate the 10-yr old Republic Act 10620 or the Toy and Game…

EcoWaste Coalition: Be Cautious of Toxic Toys Sold Online

9 October 2023, Quezon City.  As the 10.10 online shopping sales are held amid the observance of Consumer Welfare Month this October, the EcoWaste Coalition cautioned shoppers against the purchase of toys laden with hazardous substances. The toxics watchdog group…

Beware: Toxic Halloween Products, Horrible to Children!

As stores started to showcase various Halloween products in the market, toxic watchdog group BAN Toxics cautioned the public when buying such products that may contain harmful chemicals that are horrible to children’s health and safety. The group managed to…

Countries Adopt New Framework Addressing Planetary Threats of Chemical and Waste Pollution

NGOs Say Adequate Funding and Active Implementation Will be Key to Framework’s Success 3 October 2023, Quezon City.  Public interest groups campaigning for safe chemicals and waste policies and practices that uphold human health and protect the environment welcomed the…

Results at the United Nations Science Summit: Argentina with 100% agrotoxins

The total (100%) of Argentinean participants in international research on pesticides “presented a range of 6 to 13 pesticides in urine, a range of 2 to 10 pesticides in blood and a range of 0 to 18 pesticides in faecal…

3.4 million American black people are dead and would be alive if they had the same life expectancy as whites

It is very common for white people to exclaim: “I don’t see races, or genders, I see only humans” or “We are all the same” and this represents a repertoire of thoughts and actions known as “white privilege”. By choosing…

Philippine Ban on Lead Paints Feted in Bonn, Germany

28 September 2023, Quezon City.  The historic ban on lead-containing paints in the Philippines was applauded in two side events held in conjunction with the fifth session of the International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM5) in Bonn, Germany. Convened in…

What to do with those who have hurt us

From the Humanist Health News Network REHUNO Health we set up a place of exchange where we find a new look on daily life based on an experiential and existential psychology (the Psychology of New Humanism), and which gives some…

BAN Toxics to Facebook: Please Remove Sellers of Prohibited Mercury Products

Toxic watchdog group BAN Toxics recommended to Facebook to suspend and/or remove sellers of liquid mercury and mercury-added products in the Facebook marketplace to prevent exposure to health-damaging mercury and promote a safe social media environment for the public. In…

Banned Toxic Glue Continues to Threaten Filipino Children’s Health

22 September 2023. The toxics watchdog group EcoWaste Coalition has revealed the proliferation of artificial nail sets marketed for children’s use that come with a banned adhesive containing a restricted chemical ingredient. Despite the prohibition imposed by the Food and…

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