

Food Security Can Come in Tiny, Wiggly Packages

By Amy Fallon  for IPS News LUSAKA, Dec 17 2013 (IPS) – It is known as the land of copper to the outside world, but there’s another c-word that does a roaring trade in Zambia, albeit locally – caterpillars. On…

WHO Celebrates Major Progress in Fighting Malaria

By Jim Lobe for IPS WASHINGTON, Dec 11 2013 (IPS) – Enhanced efforts to fight malaria have saved an estimated 3.3 million lives and nearly halved the disease’s global mortality rate since 2000, according to the latest edition of the World…

Resistance to the EU/US Free Trade Agreement? Latin America did it

With the title “How the EU is making NHS privatisation permanent” The New Statesman further analyses the effects of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) launched in June at the G8 meeting, in particular with reference to the looming…

WHO 2014 Violence Prevention Meeting Report

by Joam Evans Pim – TRANSCEND Media Service The Center for Global Nonkilling, a member of the World Health Organization’s Violence Prevention Alliance, participated Nov. 11-15 in the 6th Milestones in a Global Campaign for Violence Prevention Meeting, organized in…

TED: two different aspects of Active Nonviolence

Active Nonviolence is a methodology for change which is coherent with its objectives. Here we report of two TED lectures that show its power in theory and practice. Non-violence resistance with Erica Chenowets Published on Nov 4, 2013 Between 1900-2006,…

US Health Professionals Designed and Participated in Torture of Detainees

According to Research carried out by the Task Force on Preserving Medical Professionalism in National Security Detention Centers and published on the Institute on Medicine as a Profession website “Medical, Military, and Ethics Experts Say Health Professionals Designed and Participated…

How many solar panels for £80bn+, UK’s new nuclear power plant price tag

[divide][clear] ‘The British energy secretary, Ed Davey, has signed the first new nuclear contract with French state-backed utility firm EDF, admitting only a clairvoyant could know the true cost to the taxpayer of the 35-year contract because of the uncertainty…

IARC: Outdoor air pollution a leading environmental cause of cancer deaths

PRESS RELEASE N° 221 Lyon/Geneva, 17 October 2013 – The specialized cancer agency of the World Health Organization, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), announced today that it has classified outdoor air pollution as carcinogenic to humans (Group…

Single-Payer Prescription for What Ails Obamacare

By Amy Goodman with Denis Moynihan “We apologize for the inconvenience. The Marketplace is currently undergoing regularly scheduled maintenance and will be back up Monday 10/7/3013.” You read it right, 3013. That was the message on the homepage of the…

Bees also affected by pollution. Risks to food production

We reported in Pressenza the importance of considering the effects of burning fossil fuels on health, as the discussions brought on by the evidence presented in the most recent report about climate change, making a very strong case for fossil…

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