

WHO issues “roadmap” to scale up international response to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa

GENEVA, Switzerland, August 28, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The World Health Organization is today issuing a “roadmap” to guide and coordinate the international response to the outbreak of Ebola virus disease in West Africa. The aim is to stop…

Dr. Paul Farmer on African Ebola Outbreak: Growing Inequality in Global Healthcare at Root of Crisis

As the death toll from the West African Ebola outbreak nears 1,400, two American missionaries who received experimental drugs and top-notch healthcare have been released from the hospital. We spend the hour with Partners in Health co-founder Dr. Paul Farmer…

No Hope for AIDS-Free Generation in Uganda as Controversial HIV Bill is Signed into Law

By Amy Fallon KAMPALA, Aug 21 2014 (IPS) – HIV/AIDS activists are adamant Uganda will not achieve an “AIDS-free generation” now a “backwards” HIV/AIDS Bill criminalising the “wilful and intentional” transmission of the disease has been signed into law. The…

As WHO Warns Ebola Death Toll is Underestimated, How Should Global Community Handle Dire Crisis?

The World Health Organization is now saying the number of reported cases and deaths of Ebola in West Africa vastly underestimates the scale of the outbreak. The official death toll from the Ebola outbreak is now at 1,069 since February.…

Experts Discuss in Geneva on Use of Experimental Drugs for Ebola

Geneva, Aug 11 (Prensa Latina) Experts in medical ethics are meeting in Geneva to set ethical limits on the use of experimental treatments for Ebola, a disease which since March has killed about a thousand people. Last week the World…

Mortality Rate Due to Ebola Increases to 961 Deaths

Geneva, Aug 8 (Prensa Latina) The mortality rate increased to 961 deaths due to the current outbreak of Ebola affecting several West African countries, reported today the World Health Organization (WHO). As for cases of patients, probable and suspect, there…

HIV research and action in light of tragedy

At least six top AIDS experts were killed in the Malaysia Airlines passenger plane crash. The International AIDS Conference is taking place regardless – DW reviews the key topics being discussed. They were on their way to the 20th annual…

UK: On TTIP and the NHS, they are trying to bamboozle us

By John Hilary 14 July 2014, for Open Democracy The TTIP trade treaty talks re-open in Brussels this week. We should not be reassured by the convenient ‘leak’ of a private letter between key TTIP advocates claiming the treaty poses…

This is thrilling life-extension news – for dictators and the ultra-rich

Longevity science may divide us into treated and untreated: the first living ever longer, the second dying even younger than now George Monbiot, The Guardian, Monday 7 July 2014 19.15 BST Once it was a myth. Now it’s a dream.…

UK: Cameron is wrecking our world-beating health system

By James Lazou, researcher on health for Unite the Union for Open Democracy A Commonwealth Fund survey found the UK health system topped the poll on just about every criteria – so why are the Tories wrecking it? After all…

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