
Gender and Feminisms

#lastesissenior [Chile: a rapist in your path]

This hashtag was broadcast on Twitter today. It had not been communicated before by social networks. It quickly became a trending topic in Chile. And they surprised, despite having organized everything with a lot of discretion. This afternoon, women over…

Long Live The Women! Women From Latin America And The World Rally To Put A Stop To Violence

Reportage and photos by Gustavo Espinoza, translated by Jhon Sánchez. In Union Square, The New York Women’s Strike, Puerto Rican Women, Women of Resistance in Brazil, Assembly of Chileans in New York, organizations for the abolition of prisons, leaders for…

Trenton Makes: Interview with the Author Tadzio Koelb

By Jhon Sánchez I had read Trenton Makes more than once. The first time was for John Reed’s workshop at the New School. Tadzio had just graduated from his Masters in the prestigious University of East Anglia in Britain, and…

International Day For The Elimination Of Violence Against Women

Statement read publicly on November 25th in Union Square NYC  during the celebration of the International Day for the elimination of violence against women. We have come together today to ​honor those women we have lost at the hands of…

Transgender Day of Remembrance: “Celebrate the Living” While Honoring Loved Ones Lost to Hate

November 20 is Transgender Day of Remembrance, a day that honors the thousands of transgender and gender nonconforming people who have been killed around the world. The Day of Remembrance is also a celebration of the community’s resistance and a…

Eighth Fair of Nonviolent Initiatives was held in Quito

In the framework of Nonviolent October, this morning and afternoon was held in Cumandá Parque Urbano, in the city of Quito, the 8th Fair of Nonviolent Initiatives. Hundreds of people visited stands and participated in recreational activities, sensory, with pets,…

Why don’t more women win science Nobels?

Mary K. Feeney, Arizona State University for The Conversation All of the 2019 Nobel Prizes in science were awarded to men. That’s a return to business as usual, after biochemical engineer Frances Arnold won in 2018, for chemistry, and Donna…

Fired Because He Said He Was Gay

By Jhon Sánchez I met Donald Zarda when I was working for the law firm of Gregory Antollino in 2010. Donald, a skydiving instructor, was fired because he told one of his students that he was gay. Paraphrasing Gregory Antollino,…

Ecuador: Resistance goes on

Pictures: Marcelo Rivera, William Tipán and Walker Vizcarra Video: Walker Vizcarra Ecuador has had 9 days of protests and paralysis at the national level, after having ordered the elimination of subsidies and other economic measures by executive decree. The days…

Trump throws Rojava’s Kurds under Turkey’s bus

As reported by The Guardian “Turkish troops have advanced into north-eastern Syria, following airstrikes and artillery barrages aimed at US-backed Kurdish forces who control the region. ”The Turkish military confirmed on Wednesday it had “launched the land operation into the east…

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