
Gender and Feminisms

London Pride 2019. Still a lot of work to do

Yesterday was a great party of colour and human rights for the LGBT community and everyone else working for freedom and the celebration of diversity. Seeing the great atmosphere may give a mistaken impression that all is well with sexual…

Queer Liberation March in New York City

On June 30, tens of thousands joined the Queer Liberation March in New York City, organized by a coalition of activist groups to “reclaim pride.” According to the group’s mission statement, “We march in our communities’ tradition of resistance against…

I ‘Heard’ the Rainbow

By Jhon Sánchez We left Sheridan Square, walking by the iconic Stonewall Inn, and with the spirit that inspired the protests fifty years ago, we marched with Pride. Each step, chant and poster was a bill that claimed for such…

Pride and Faith: Why This Priest Marches

By Father John Jeffrey I am a child of God, a follower of Christ Jesus, and a priest in the Episcopal Church. I am also a middle age, queer, white cis man who carries his own share of baggage from…

On The Importance of Pride

By Patricia Smith June. LGBTQ Pride Month. For years, as a young teacher in Boston, I looked forward to Gay Pride Day (what we called it back then), celebrated in Boston on the first Saturday in June. I went in…

Transgender Thoughts on the Occasion of Stonewall at Fifty

By Willa N. France These oppressive political times push the trans community, bodily, backwards. Of course, we have always moved ahead in protest. At Stonewall, “transvestites” (the term then used) of color led the riots, a fact often omitted telling…

Trump’s Promise to LGBTQ Community?

By David Breitkopf Donald Trump’s progressive record in office is—let’s just say—wanting. But his supporters are quick to point out his support of the LGBTQ community as one instance where he has come down on the right (or left) side…

Campaigns: Art for Democracy and Love Will Overcome Hatred

On Saturday, May 11, 2019, during the IV Latin American Humanist Forum, a picturesque round of conversation took place about the documentary “El Ódio” by Andrés Sal.Lari and about the campaigns “Art for Democracy” and “Love Will Overcome Hatred” which…

An oasis of progressive thinking in the midst of the Syrian war

Have you ever heard of Rojava, the semiautonomous Kurdish region in North West Syria? Probably not, or you may have seen a recent article/letter in The Guardian from relatives of British people who went to join the US-backed Kurdish effort…

IV Latin American Humanist Forum 2019: day 2

IV Latin American Humanist Forum 2019 Building Convergence “The aim of the Humanist Forum is to study and establish a position on the global problems of today’s world. From that point of view, it is a cultural organisation in a…

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