
Gender and Feminisms

WHIF: White Hypocritical Imperial Feminism

In 2002, U.S. women’s groups sent a joint letter to then-President George W. Bush in support of the war on Afghanistan to benefit women. Gloria Steinem (formerly of the CIA), Eve Ensler, Meryl Streep, Susan Sarandon, and many others signed.…

12th Meeting of Relatives Survivors of Femicide: “We need facts”.

Once again the group that brings together mothers and fathers who lost their daughters as a result of male violence demanded an audience with the President and delivered in a letter concrete measures to demand justice and prevent femicides. There…

How to be a girl…

…And don’t die trying: Motherhood should not be part of your childhood. One of the most devastating consequences of the helplessness of girls in our countries is early motherhood. In Guatemala, for example, the number of pregnancies and births at…


2 September marks one year since the double infanticide of the Argentinean girls Lilian Mariana and María Carmen Villalba, 11 years old, at the hands of the Joint Task Forces (FTC) of the Paraguayan State. This Monday, 6 September, there…

Interview with Leopoldina Fortunati

We wanted to interview Italian writer Leopoldina Fortunati, a renowned theorist and writer, Sociology academic at the University of Udine, feminist activist and member of Potere Operaio and one of the main referents of the current of autonomous feminism, as…

Chile: Feminist documentary “Women in Resistance in times of COVID 19” premieres

Anita Peña Saavedra, researcher at the Diego Portales University and Atlantic Fellows for Social and Economic equity at LSE, lesbo-feminist activist and former executive director of Miles, Alondra Castillo, feminist and academic at the University of Valparaiso, Magdalena Rodríguez, feminist…

Winning the word: feminist counter-narratives in the Middle East and Latin America

The power of feminism as a political subject becomes evident when it impacts on territories that we believe to be distant and alien. In Kuwait, some of its referents take Ni Una Menos (Not one [woman] less) as a movement…

From the “Tokarev report” to the “Denisova report”

In 1981 Salvatore Puledda published his novel The Tókarev Report. At the time, the Humanist Movement was at its peak. Only 12 years had passed since Silo had delivered his harangue “The Healing of Suffering” in Punta de Vacas. There…

Interview with Danilo Urbina, from the Transdisciplinary School of Sexuality

As part of the series “Gender and Sexualities in Chile”, we interviewed Danilo Urbina, a psychologist specialising in support and counselling for young people on issues of gender and sexual orientation and a founding member of the Transdisciplinary School of…

Women of different generations, together to change the world

The new generations are going to teach the old generations how to love, how to treat each other. It will be the new generations that will begin to teach the adults with a new affection and a new understanding. Silo…

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