
Gender and Feminisms

Violence against women: prevention is better than suffering its consequences

These days we are exposed by TV, the media and social networks to the violence of war. Other times it is a femicide, as in the case of Ámbar Cornejo in 2020, or a contract killing as is becoming common…

About the Burqa, Hijab and Muslim Girls

Islam asks its followers, both men and women, to dress modestly. Nudity is not allowed for either sex.  The only difference in dressing between men and women, as dictated by religion, is that women are specifically asked to cover their…

11F: The struggle of the feminist movement in the production of knowledge

by Lina Merino and Agustina Medina Every 11 February we remember the “International Day of Women and Girls in Science” established by the United Nations in December 2015. The date represents an opportunity to rethink the current situation of women,…

Genital mutilation: remnants of a past that cannot continue to exist in the present and (much less!) in the future

Genital mutilation is a practice that is still carried out in approximately 30 countries around the world. Most of these countries are in Africa and the Middle East, but the custom is also found in some countries in Asia and…

Covid affects the fight against female genital mutilation

Two million more girls will be subjected to genital mutilation by 2030 because of obstacles resulting from crises such as covid-19, United Nations agencies said on the occasion of the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation on…

Women’s march in Bolivia against justice after the release of femicides and rapists

On Monday 31 January, a massive “Women’s March against sexist violence and corruption in the justice system” took place from the Ballivian area of El Alto, through the city of La Paz and ended in front of the departmental court…

Moral Traps

Discrimination against women is not a tradition, but a political instrument. The Dictionary of the Spanish Language, in its version updated to 2021, defines honour – among other meanings – as “Good opinion earned by honesty and modesty in women”.…

Ecuador: Survivors of sexual violence demand legislation to protect their rights

“I am a survivor of sexual violence in childhood and I am here to demand that legislation be passed by listening to our life experiences”, began S. Altamirano’s appearance on Tuesday 25 January before the Plenary of the National Assembly…

Community justice against feminicidal violence

The faces of the Na Savi women from the municipality of Ayutla de los Libres showed anger, impotence, pain and rage at the feminicide of Angelina García Alejandrino from the community of Coxcatlán San Pedro. They were perplexed by the…

Decriminalisation of abortion: an issue on the table

On 20 January, the Constitutional Court resumed the debate on the decriminalisation of abortion in Colombia, following two lawsuits calling for it to be removed as a crime from the penal code. This is an issue that had been postponed…

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