
Gender and Feminisms

Peru: Stop violence against women

Despite the various and permanent campaigns against violence against women and feminicide, the problem persists and is one of the most serious in our society today, along with corruption of officials, delinquency and organised crime and family violence. In documents…

Slavery, Abortion and Maternal Mortality: The US Abrogation of Abortion Rights and its Disproportionate Impact on Women of Colour

The conservative-majority US Supreme Court upheld by a six to three vote a Republican-backed Mississippi state law banning abortion afterwards at 15 weeks gestation. It also overturned Roe v. Wade by five votes to four. Chief Justice John Roberts supported…

Collective construction as a beacon for Mapuche women of Neuquén

Last Saturday the “First Meeting of Mapuche Women of the Zonal Council of the Mapuche Confederation of Neuquén” took place in the Lof Campo Maripe. Women from different communities met with the intention of creating a space to address different…

Second day of dialogues: a look from the Network of Ecuadorian Anthropology and Collective of Anthropologists

Interview with the Ecuadorian Anthropology Network and Collective of Anthropologists What is the opinion of the Ecuadorian Anthropology Network on what happened during the second day of dialogue between the representatives of the five state functions and the representatives of…

Contempt for women in Brazil, Patria A(r)mada

Although not surprising, the violence perpetrated by magistrate Joana Ribeiro Zimmer, who denied the right to an abortion to an 11-year-old rape victim, is astonishing, demonstrating the perversity of the current government’s agenda of customs. In the same week, prosecutor…

An ancient battlefield

“The woman’s problem has always been a man’s problem” Simone de Beauvoir. In recent days, three decisions of the US Supreme Court have outlined the path of a radical step backward in terms of rights, but also the confirmation of…

Tiempo Robado editoras launches “Wages for Domestic Work. Chronicle of an international feminist struggle (1972-1977)”.

Tiempo Robado editoras will launch the book “Salario para el trabajo doméstico. Crónica de una lucha feminista internacional (1972-1977)” by Louise Toupin, with its first translation into Spanish by Soledad Rojas and Claudia Marchant on Wednesday 29 June at 18.30…

Convention 189: historic consensus in the Spanish Congress

Convention 189 of the International Labour Organisation unites all parties to ratify that domestic and care worker have labour rights equivalent to those of any other salaried worker. By Gessamí Forner and Pablo Elorduy/El salto diario Today (09/06) was a…

Exercising “mujeriez” (womanising)

What had to happen happened. The alliance between a lout and a deluded man could not go well. The candidate who won almost six million votes did not accept that the candidate with less than 900,000 would change the rules…

Spanish Congress approves the “law of only yes is yes” that establishes consent as a determinant in cases of sexual assault

The Spanish Congress passed landmark legislation that would codify into Spanish law the definition of consent as an explicit expression of a person’s will, freeing victims of sexual assault from the burden of having to prove that violence or intimidation…

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