
International issues

Pandora’s box of nuclear progress

Why uranium mining, nuclear energy, and atomic bombs are all steps in the path to destruction By Cymry Gomery, Coordinator of Montréal for a World BEYOND War This op-ed was inspired by a presentation by Dr. Gordon Edwards of the…

Latin American-Caribbean unity: When, if not now?

There are occasions in history that must be seized. They are windows of opportunity that indicate that the time to move forward decisively has come. Indecision in such circumstances is inadvisable and even reprehensible. Such is the current case with…

The Waters Are Running Red in Africa’s Great Lakes Region—A War Is Raging We Can’t Ignore Any Longer

In early November, foreign ministers from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Christophe Lutundula Apala Pen’Apala, and Rwanda, Vicent Biruta met in Luanda, Angola, to find a political solution to a conflict that has been ongoing in eastern DRC for…

346 tactics of civil resistance in the 21st century

One of Gene Sharp’s most widely reproduced publications is his 1973 list of 198 nonviolent methods (or types of action). In 2021 Michael Beer published a study in which 346 tactics of nonviolent resistance are listed. These 148 types of…

Greenland is Worse Than Ever, Much Worse

A new study finds Greenland’s ice sheet thinning much further into the ice sheet core than previously thought, 100 miles inland. (Source: S. Khan, et al, Extensive Inland Thinning and Speed-Up of North- East Greenland Stream, Nature, November 9, 2022)…

Ukraine Update: Kiev Lied To NATO Over Missile Strike, Reports Financial Times

Ukraine has been accused of “openly lying” about a missile that hit Poland killing two civilians, earlier this week, the Financial Times reported on Thursday citing an unnamed diplomat from a NATO country. By Countercurrents Collective Ukraine rushed to pin the…

Africa’s Forgotten Colony in the Sahara

Since 1975, thousands of Sahrawi people have lived in five refugee camps in the Algerian Sahara. They named these camps after cities in Western Sahara: Ausserd, Boujdour, Dakhla, Laayoune, and Smara. In a straight line, Smara the camp is some…

The Real Path to Peace in Ukraine

NEGOTIATIONS- YES!  ESCALATION- NO! Saturday, November 19th, 11:00am to 4:00pm We, people of conscience, are coming together to demand that there be a radical shift in the direction of US military and foreign policy. NATO expansion must end. Money must be spent…

The West Is Using COP27 to Shift Blame to Poorer Nations—Private Greed Prevails Over Humanity’s Survival

In the hands of capital, “clean” natural gas is worse than “dirty” coal. But rich nations have devised an elaborate system to conceal facts and shift blame to poorer nations. By Prabir Purkayastha COP27 has begun in Sharm el-Sheikh. Although…

Who Should Pay for Climate Crisis? Global South Demands “Loss and Damage” from Wealthy Nations

We are broadcasting from COP27, the U.N. climate conference in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, where poorer countries in the Global South that are weathering the worst effects of the climate crisis are calling for wealthy nations to pay reparations in the…

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