
International issues

EU Cracks a Gentle Whip at Iran

The European Union has returned to the ritual of sanctioning Iran to leverage its foreign and security policies. The highlight of the EU Foreign Affairs Council ministerial meeting in Brussels on Monday was the imposition of sanctions against Iran over…

Messi’s Goals Are Many and Life Saving

When he was a child in his hometown of Rosario, Argentina, Lionel Messi was nicknamed “La Pulga” (the flea) because of his short stature. This didn’t stop him from starting to play soccer since he was five years old. In 2004,…

Venezuelan Political Prisoner on Trial in Miami Refuses to “Sing”

Starting December 12, an evidentiary hearing before the US Southern District Court of Florida is considering a case of historic importance. Is the US above international law? Can international conventions on diplomatic immunity be violated by US courts and prosecutors?…

Rewarding “Good” Companies—How the Economy for the Common Good Wants to Change the World

The Economy for the Common Good (ECG) is an alternative to the existing economic model of capitalism, including the pursuit of profit and constant growth. The ultimate goal is a good life for all people. The idea: the state supports…

Photos: International Human Rights Day NYC Vigil to Free Julian Assange

Rally in front of the British Consulate in New York City on December 10, 2022 While the US criticizes other countries for their lack of freedom of the press, it is the US that is attacking Julian Assange for revealing…

Peace or War: To be Optimistic or Pessimistic about the Future of Humanity

“Pity the nation whose people are sheep And whose shepherds mislead them Pity the nation whose leaders are liars Whose sages are silenced And whose bigots haunt the airwaves Pity the nation that raises not its voice Except to praise…

Experts from four continents condemn false solutions to the biodiversity crisis: Nature for Business, 30×30 and Biotechnology for Biodiversity COP15

So-called “solutions” to the biodiversity and climate crises are being developed, not for the protection of biological diversity, but to ensure the unsustainable continuation of business as usual. The Global Biodiversity Framework being negotiated at COP 15 includes proposals for…

Corporate Capture infiltrates and influences the Convention on Biological Diversity COP15

The installation of a 20 feet tall jenga tower in the main pavilion at the Montreal Convention on Biological Diversity signifies risk of ecosystem collapse if an ambitious global biodiversity plan is not agreed at COP15 but is also a…

There can be no agreement to save nature without inclusion of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities COP15

The global biodiversity framework to save nature must respect, promote and support the rights of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities if it stands any chance of succeeding. In this press briefing at the opening of COP15, members of the International…

U.S. Internationalizes Iran’s Unrest

The ongoing unrest in Iran since mid-September following the death of a Kurdish woman in police custody shows no signs of abating as of now. The unrest has drawn support from all social strata and assumed anti-government overtones. The efficacy…

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