
International issues

ADB’s “just transition” harming waste pickers and the environment

No More Excuses, ADB! Prioritize Sustainable Solutions and Stop Funding Harmful Waste-to-Energy (WtE) Incinerators 02 May 2023 –  The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is increasingly promoting waste-to-energy (WtE) projects in its energy and urban development portfolios as a way to…

Envi group urges PH gov’t to ratify Basel Ban Amendment amid Conference of Parties meetings

This week marks the start of the Meetings of the Conferences of the Parties (COP) to the Basel, Rotterdam, and Stockholm Conventions (BRS). The event takes place in Geneva, Switzerland, from May 1 to 12, 2023, with various stakeholders convening…

In first person: Why indigenous peoples can contribute to saving the planet

On environmental and biodiversity issues, the influence of indigenous peoples is more important than ever at the international level, says a member of the Karen indigenous people of Myanmar. “In indigenous cultures, we look at a woman’s cooking. If she…

Nuclear War on Edge

Nuclear war is unthinkable, but also uncontrollable once a spark is lit. There’s no turning back once that big misstep occurs. Indeed, the film Dr. Strangelove (Director Stanley Kubrick, 1964 Columbia Pictures) is all about what could happen if the…

World hunger doubles

Some 345 million people are acutely food insecure worldwide, more than twice as many as before the covid-19 pandemic, said a new report by the UN World Food Programme (WFP). “Conflict, economic shocks, weather extremes and soaring fertiliser prices are…

The hour of dignity

Another 24th of April… and from the Hamidian massacres of Sultan Abdul Hamid II in 1894 until today… a continued and unpunished genocide by Turkey on Armenians, with an abject epicentre between the years 1915 and 1923, where in a…

9th HWCS: The world will change when your daily life changes.

9th HWCS International Symposium – 28-29-30 April 2023 – CRISIS AND OVERCOMING Crossing the borders of thought. The situation of crisis that humanity is going through at the present time is evident. The crisis manifests itself at different levels and…

Kabyle poet writer Ameziane Kezzar on tour in North America

Ameziane Kezzar is a Kabyle poet writer and philosopher. He was born in 1962 in Maraghna (Kabylia) and has lived in Paris (France) for several decades. He is known in the world of culture where he has written for several…

Young People From the U.S. Travel to Cuba and Break the Siege

It’s a hot and crowded Tuesday morning in the Yoruba Cultural Center in Havana, and the air sticks to the skin. You can hear the fluttering of paper as people fan themselves, and a surprise blackout takes out the sound…

Young people from G7 countries call on leaders to honour commitment to nuclear disarmament at Hiroshima summit

Youth delegates from G7 countries, meeting in Hiroshima, are calling on  G7 leaders to seize the opportunity presented by their upcoming Summit and take action on nuclear disarmament, reminding them “possession or use of nuclear weapons is illegitimate as recognized…

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