
International issues

Where’s the Water?

“Whiskey’s for drinking and water’s for fighting,” a popular adage from the chronicles of the American West that’s starting to come back into vogue. The world’s megacities are on a knife’s edge of water stress. Climate change is clobbering water…

International cooperation, a tool for overcoming inequality

These include the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (UN, 1969), recognized as a customary norm and proclaimed as one of the purposes of the United Nations Charter: By Ambassador Clarems Endara – Prensa Latina contributor To achieve international…

A Long Road Ahead Towards a Mercury-free Environment

As the country celebrates World Environment Day, environmental watchdog group, BAN Toxics, draws attention to hard-hitting truths on the continued exposure of the Filipino people and the environment to toxic mercury. Mercury is a neurotoxin that can cause irreparable damage…

First-ever Korea-Africa Summit 2024: Ethiopian, Nigerian, and Egyptians protest

South Korea is hosting the first-ever Korea-Africa Summit since the Korean government was founded in 1948 by inviting delegations from 48 African countries, about 30 of whom were state leaders. During the summit’s opening on Tuesday morning, June 4, 2024,…

Climate Change Added 26 More Days of Extreme Heat in the Past 12 Months, Report Finds

With Heat Action Day approaching on June 2, a new report from World Weather Attribution, the Red Cross Crescent Climate Centre and Climate Central has found that the planet experienced 26 more days of “excess” extreme heat on average in the past year, which most likely…

Mapping the Parallels of US Conflict: From Vietnam to the War on China

On August 4th, 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson stood in front of the American public and stated, “We Americans know, as do others though some may forget, the risk of spreading conflict. […] I shall immediately request Congress to pass…

Goodbye Oil & Gas – Hello Thermal Bricks

The world of energy struggles with the nearly impossible task of getting off fossil fuels. This requires thinking outside of the box, something revolutionary bustling with energy that bails us out of sluggish fossil fuels that emit too much CO2…

BNM observed 28 May as a black day for Baloch nation

On 28 May 1998, the Baloch National Movement’s Netherlands chapter organized a rally and demonstration in Amsterdam, the capital city of the Netherlands. The rally started in front of Amsterdam Central Station and proceeded to Dam Square. BNM members chanted…

RED ALERT: Ukrainian Strike on Russian Early Warning Radar Threatens To Unleash Nuclear World War

Throughout Wednesday night and Thursday morning [May 22-23], Ukrainian drones struck the Armavir Radar Station in Russia’s southwestern Krasnodar Krai region, a part of Russia’s early warning radar system designed to detect an incoming ICBM attack. This radar is one…

Now is the time to send unarmed peacekeepers to Gaza and the rest of Palestine

Hundreds of unarmed civilian protectors could be quickly deployed to support Palestinians in securing a more sustainable peace than armed forces ever could. By Mel Duncan When the U.N. Security Council finally passed a Ceasefire Resolution for Gaza by a vote of…

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