
International issues

Coordinator of the World March for Peace and NonViolence gathers support in Costa Rica

Rafael de la Rubia obtains support from a sector of the government, the media and universities during his visit to the Central American country

“Invisibles” Make ABM Plans Visible at European Parliament

PRESSENZA(New York) “We are invisible.” That was the message of over 100 protesters at the European Parliament in Brussels on February 18.

Czech Mayors protest US Missile Defense

The Czech Republic and Poland: US Trojan Horses to divide Europe?

New Opportunities for Nuclear Disarmament

In spite of the obstacles that need to be overcome, new possibilities for nuclear disarmament are appearing on the horizon.

Facing the Unthinkable Nuclear Danger

As President-Elect Obama takes office this week, he faces a long list of enormous challenges. Nuclear disarmament is far from the top of the agenda. It should be number 1.

Young Israelis make a stand against the war

Arrested for refusing to serve in the Israeli army, high-school students launch a worldwide campaign.

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