
International issues

Transnational networks: key to countering the erosion of democracy, says Paolo Sosa

On La Mula TV’s “Al Filo”, the political scientist highlights the importance of international connections in the fight for democracy in Peru. By: Political scientist Paolo Sosa, in his recent appearance on La Mula TV’s “Al Filo” programme, emphasised…

Germany, Norway and the United Kingdom make statements on Peruvian Forestry Law

Due to the “potential impacts” on the environment, Germany, Norway and the United Kingdom have expressed their views on the amendments to the Peruvian Forestry and Wildlife Law, enacted by the Peruvian Congress last week. The joint declaration, in which…

Too Much Heat, Past and Present

The ultimate consequences of global warming are difficult to truly understand by the public, policymakers, and by pretty much everybody. In their hearts, they do not want to believe it’ll cause an extinction event. That’s simply too hard to believe,…

Israel-Palestine: It Is Time For A Reckoning

In my recent article “Why The Two-State Solution Is The Only Viable Option To The Exclusion Of Any Other“, I argued that the two-state solution is the only viable option to bring closure to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Not surprisingly, the…

Why Small Farming Is Essential for Creating a Sustainable Future

With more farmers today than at almost any point in history, humanity’s future will likely be agrarian. We must imagine that world into being. By Chris Smaje Let me start this journey with my feet on my farm. When people…

Asking President Biden to Sign the Nuclear Ban Treaty

January 22, 2024, marks the third anniversary of the entry into force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). To date, 70 nations have ratified the treaty. NuclearBan.US, on behalf of 120 national, state, and local organizations,…

The People’s Forum Executive Director: We Will Not Apologize – Zionism is Racism!

Following the publication of a slanderous article by the New York Post about The People’s Forum as well as a barrage of threats and attacks against its employees, The People’s Forum Executive Director has released the following statement. We make…

China encourages foreign investment and sustains global prosperity

China has maintained its position as the world’s second-largest recipient of foreign investment since 2017 and remains one of the most attractive investment destinations globally. Despite the rising tide of de-globalization and protectionism, China has remained committed to high-level openness…

Chile: Between hawks and doves

The persistent refusal to engage in political dialogue on an equal footing between two competing actors is a classic phenomenon when one of the parties feels it has the other in its pocket, that it can do, or mop up,…

UN Warns – Tensions In The Red Sea May Soon Be Impossible To Contain

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said at a press conference in New York on Monday: The current instability in the Middle East may soon spiral completely out of control. Guterres once again addressed the crisis triggered by the events of October…

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