
International issues

U.S. Deploys Military Task Force in Jordan… In Preparation for Wider War?

By Bill Van Auken, WSWS* – In preparation for a direct US intervention in Syria and a wider war in the Middle East, the Pentagon has secretly deployed a 150-strong military task force in Jordan. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta Wednesday…

‘Of Bombs and Comics’

By Uri Avnery*, TRANSCEND – My first reaction to Binyamin Netanyahu’s exhibition of comics at the UN General Assembly was shame. Shame that the supreme elected representative of my country would stoop to such a primitive rhetorical device, bordering on…

‘Suppliers of Arms to Opposition Want to Destroy the Syrian People’ – Iraqi PM

By RT*, 5 October – States that send arms to Syria face upheavals and unrest due to sectarian violence, their stability will be in jeopardy and the state of affairs will be no better than in Syria, warned Iraqi Prime Minister…

Brazilian President: “A free and sovereign Palestine will contribute to peace and stability in the region.”

The president of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, said today, September 25, 2012, in her intervention in the General Assembly of the UN, that the Brazilian government recognizes Palestine as a member State of the UN, and reiterated their support for the…

Obama addresses Muslim anger over film; warns Iran on nuclear bid

President Barack Obama addressed on Tuesday an anti-Islam film that set violence raging across the Arab world, while vowing that the United States would “do what we must” to prevent Iran from acquiring nukes. Taking the podium at the United…

Condemnation of Kenyan military killings in Somalia

KENYAN SOLDIER OPENS FIRE ON CIVILIANS KILLING 6 AND INJURING 2 A Kenya Defense Forces (KDF) soldier has been accused of deliberately killing 6 civilians at a village 50km North West of Al-Shabaab’s stronghold port city of Kismayo. The incident…

Iran Call for Nuclear Abolition by 2025 is Unreported by New York Times

The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), formed in 1961 during the Cold War, is a group of 120 states and 17 observer states not formally aligned with or against any major power bloc. The NAM held its opening 2012 session yesterday under…

Attacking Iran Would Be a ‘Disaster for the Whole Region and the World’

By Johan Galtung*, 3 Sep 2012, TRANSCEND –  The Israeli attack seems imminent. Richard Silverstein circulates a leaked “shock and awe” strategy of Netanyahu‑Barak hard zionism to decapitate, paralyze Iran; and Alon Ben‑Meir (an expert on Middle East politics specializing in…

Could Malta Lead the Way to Nuke Disarmament?

By Martin E. Hellman* At first, it might seem inconceivable that tiny Malta could lead the world in solving an issue as momentous as nuclear disarmament. To see that possibility requires recognising that nuclear disarmament is a process involving a…

Strengthening Euro-Arab Relations

By ANND* The Arab region has been witnessing a period of change and quest for new societal relations between the citizen and the state, based on respect of fundamental freedoms, rights, dignity, and rule of law. Along the multiplicity of…

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