
International issues

Mali: UN genocide adviser warns of reprisals against Tuareg and Arab populations

A senior United Nations official today warned of the risk of reprisal attacks against Tuareg and Arab civilians in various regions of northern Mali and urged the country’s military to protect all citizens regardless of their ethnic affiliation. “While the…

Muslims ‘must change perception about West’

Muhammad Robert Heft, a Canadian convert to Islam who became well known through his “Stop Terrorism” online campaign, has called upon Muslims not to treat people in the West as their enemies. “There are many Abu Talibs among them, they…

“Duck and cover” Indian style

With the International Conference approaching on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons, hosted by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on March 4-5, NGOs are building up to make sure that participants come away with no doubt that these weapons…

EU arms embargo on Syria should not be amended, say peace groups

Groups organised in the European Network Against Arms Trade (ENAAT) strongly oppose any moves to amend the current EU arms embargo on Syria as proposed by the United Kingdom. A proposal to do so, to enable military equipment to be sent…

French, Malian Military Restrict Access of Media to Conflict Areas

“French military and Malian government forces are restricting access to conflict areas for members of the media, making covering the situation a major challenge” By Peter Townson*, 23/01/2013 – As violence continues in Mali, the national and international media are finding it increasingly…

War in Mali: a dramatic dilemma

We have received  and are glad to publish this article from Antonella Freggiaro, President of Abarekà Nandree, a non-profit organization that since 1999 has been implementing projects in Mali, with the purpose to improve education, health and quality of life.…

World without Wars: Foreign intervention in Mali

Exactly one year ago today, the Republic of Mali saw its sovereignty attacked by armed bandits of all kinds. In fact, the Azawad National Liberation Movement (MNLA), a secessionist movement of the northern regions, in connection with other armed groups,…

Syria: a civil war or a war on cities?

Pressenza publishes this statement from two representatives of the Mayor’s for Peace organisation.  Blaming elements on both the government and opposition side of the conflict for the barbarities of war, the Mayors appeal for the elimination of weapons of mass…

North Korea nuclear test ‘inevitable’?

A third nuclear test by the DPRK (North Korea) has been all–but inevitable ever since the less than optimal results at its first two nuclear tests. Between 1945 and 1990, the US and Soviet Union conducted over 1000, and about…

Fear in Kashmir as authorities advise what to do in the event of a nuclear explosion

Guidelines were published on Monday in the Greater Kashmir daily warning people about the do’s and don’ts in the case of a nuclear bomb explosion.  These guidelines also found on the Jammu and Kashmir Civil Defence, Home Guard and State…

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