
International issues

Events being organised as Bradley Manning approaches 1000 days in prison without trial

The soldier behind the huge leaks of information that ended up on Wikileaks, Bradley Manning, has been in jail awaiting trial for nearly 1,000 days for exposing war crimes, corruption, and widespread abuse. Demonstrations are being organized to mark the…

IAEA says will continue cooperation, talks with Iran

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) says it will continue cooperation and talks with Iran over the country’s nuclear energy program. The IAEA inspectors have announced that they will continue to hold discussions with Iran; however, they say no final…

Chomsky supports UK MP’s criticism of Israel

American academic Noam Chomsky has lent his support to a British Liberal Democrat MP, who criticized the Israeli regime’s violent treatment of Palestinians. Earlier in January, Bradford East MP David Ward accused “the Jews” in Israel of having failed to…

Arab women’s virtual uprising goes physical

By India Stoughton In late 2011 four Arab women, inspired by the success of the Arab Spring demonstrations but horrified by the backlash against the women who had protested side-by-side with men in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and Syria, decided to…

The position of World without Wars in front of any armed conflict

The last two years of armed conflict in Northern Africa and the Middle East that has filled the world’s news channels have caused World without Wars and Violence to elaborate several statements which we have published through our website and…

UK: International conference to mark 10 years since largest demonstration in history against the Iraq War

Hundreds will be gathering for the biggest anti-war conference in years tomorrow (February 9th) in London at Friends Meeting House, London, to mark the ten year anniversary of the global protests against the Iraq War. The demonstrations formed the biggest…

Back to the Future With Eyes Wide Shut

By R. S. Kalha* Just before he was overthrown, former Libyan ruler Gaddafi warned the West that his ouster would result in chaos and holy war overtaking North Africa. His forebodings, now so accurate, were at that point in time…

Latin American and Caribbean leaders to push for complete nuclear disarmament at UN Summit

Santiago de Chile, January 28th 2013 – Mayors for Peace welcomes the renewed commitment of the 33 Heads of State of Latin America and the Caribbean to work towards a world free of nuclear weapons. The leaders reaffirmed the priority…

The other side of French airstrikes on Mali: ‘They ruined everything I had’

French President Francois Hollande is triumphant about his operation in Mali, but stories are emerging which show a different side of the war. Journalist Gonzalo Wancho tells RT that for every two rebels killed in airstrikes, a dozen civilians died.…

UN envoy convenes talks on former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia name issue

The United Nations envoy tasked with mediating talks between Greece and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in the dispute over the latter’s name held talks today in New York with representatives from both sides. Matthew Nimetz told reporters after…

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