
International issues

US-backed “Kurdish question” spilling over across Middle East

Parallel to the ongoing Israeli-Palestine war (and the Iranian-Israeli conflict), the last weeks saw several incidents both in the Levant and in Southwest Asia – and most of them pertain, directly or indirectly to Kurdish groups. Two weeks ago, Turkey…

The International Court of Justice Censures Israel for Its Genocidal War

On January 26, 2024, the judges at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) released their 29-page order that found “plausible” (paragraph 54) evidence that Israel was conducting a genocide against the Palestinians of Gaza. The court intervened in that war…

BREAKING: 5 Peace Activists Arrested For Disrupting UNRWA Hearing, Demand Humanitarian Aid for Gaza

Five peace activists were arrested today as CODEPINK and other organizations disrupted the House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing titled “UNRWA Exposed: Examining the Agency’s Mission and Failures.” The protest aimed to draw attention to the urgent need for humanitarian aid…

India is not among the top 10 development partners of Bangladesh

When India promptly felicitated Bangladesh for holding a “free and fair” 12th National Elections, the government leaders in Bangladesh were visibly excited. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulated his Bangladesh counterpart Sheikh Hasina on her “victory for a historic fourth…

US and UK to blame for Ukraine conflict – former Czech president

The conflict between Moscow and Kiev really began in 2008 when NATO agreed to eventually admit Ukraine, Vaclav Klaus said The ongoing conflict between Moscow and Kiev is the result of a series of mistakes made by the US and…

Gaza Genocide Denounced at the World Court; Now We Must Stop It!

The government of Algeria announced over the weekend that it has requested that the UN Security Council be urgently convened this coming Wednesday, Jan. 31, to give “binding effect” to the historic Jan. 26 decision of the International Court of…

Neanderthal Virus Exposure in the 21st Century

Across the entire breadth of the Northern Hemisphere Arctic permafrost is rapidly melting. Nobody knows what strange pathogen is going to pop out from within tons upon tons of permafrost muck. More significantly, imagine the public anxiety if scientists detect…

“We Charge You With Genocide”: NYC Activists Demand an End to U.S. Complicity in Israel’s Genocide on Gaza

Pro-Palestine activists with the Shut It Down For Palestine coalition marched today through Manhattan to call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire and an end to all U.S. funding of Israel. Yesterday, the International Court of Justice affirmed what we…

Diane Sare: The Congressional Wall of Shame – Why I Stand with South Africa and the Actual Interest of the United States of America

By the time this statement appears in print, the International Court of Justice will likely have delivered its decision on the South African Application filed on December 29, 2023 with the International Court of Justice (ICJ) charging Israel with the…

International Court of Justice Rules That Israel Must Cease Fire

The International Court of Justice has ruled that Israel must cease its warmaking in Gaza — cease committing and inciting genocidal acts — and that the case charging Israel with genocide must proceed. This was a make or break moment…

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