
International issues

Mideast Nuclear Weapons-Free Zone Remains in Limbo

By Thalif Deen UNITED NATIONS, Sep 11 2014 (IPS) – After four long years of protracted negotiations, a proposal for a nuclear weapons-free zone (NWFZ) in the strife-torn Middle East remains in limbo – and perhaps virtually dead. But United…

Japan May Receive Offensive Military Weapons from US amid Rising Tensions with China, N. Korea

  Human Wrongs Watch By RT*, 10 September 2014 – The United States could provide offensively geared weapons to the Japanese military within five years, Tokyo officials say. The discussions between the two countries come as Japan’s rivalry with China intensifies and alliances…

Nuclear — despite price dip, uranium demand, production continue to rise

  Human Wrongs Watch A new report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) published on 10 September 2014 found that demand for uranium, the raw material used to fuel nuclear power stations, will continue to rise, despite declining market prices…

NATO Poised to Escalate Tensions over Ukraine

Analysis by John Feffer WASHINGTON, Sep 8 2014 (IPS) – The NATO summit that took place at the end of last week in Wales was supposed to celebrate the end of a long, draining war in Afghanistan. But with the…

‘Germany unhappy with the way NATO summit has gone over Russia and Ukraine’

Human Wrongs Watch By Russia Today* (RT), 9 September 2014 – Germany does not want to see its money going into something that is going to be misused from its point of view, defense analyst Dr. Binoy Kampmark told RT.   The country is…

Washington Piles Lie Upon Lie

  Human Wrongs Watch By Paul Craig Roberts*, 8 September 2014, TRANSCEND Media Service — The latest Washington lie, this one coming from NATO, is that Russia has invaded Ukraine with 1,000 troops and self-propelled artillery. How do we know that this is…

Indiscriminate, Brutal Killings Children in Conflict

Human Wrongs Watch  The multiplication of crises affecting children since the beginning of 2014 is creating unprecedented challenges that overshadow progress to date to protect them from the impact of war, a senior United Nations official told the Security Council…

Islamic State builds a government in NE Syria

In an article titled: “In northeast Syria, Islamic State builds a government”, by Mariam Karouny writing for Reuters September 4, 2014, she reports, “In the cities and towns across the desert plains of northeast Syria, the ultra-hardline al Qaeda offshoot…

“ISIS atrocities and US imperialism”

Human Wrongs Watch By Patrick Martin, WSWS*, 4 September 2014 — The savage murder of US journalist Steven Sotloff has provoked justifiable anger and revulsion among millions of people around the world. It is necessary, however, not only to sympathize with Sotloff and…

​’20 years needed to rebuild homes in Gaza because of Israeli restrictions’

Human Wrongs Watch By Russia Today (RT)*, 3 September 2014 — It will take 20 years to rebuild only houses in Gaza, not schools, not hospitals, not other civilian infrastructure, which has been damaged during Israeli operations, Ruth Allan of the Norwegian Refugee…

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