
International issues

“Pecunia non olet”, or money doesn’t smell.

Only two days have gone by since the terrorist attacks in Paris and already you can buy on-line t-shirts, bags, perfumes, hats and other things with the slogan “Je suis Charlie”. At the same time the prices for past issues…

Nigeria’s horror in Paris’s shadow

Why a 10-year-old suicide bomber isn’t front-page news “I got this on one of the BBC’s international broadcasts, almost as a footnote. In the same week as the Charlie Hebdo massacre, some 3000 people were massacred in Northern Nigeria by…

Palestine’s accession to the Rome Statute and other international instruments

By Nicolas Boeglin (*) Last January 6th, the United Nations Secretary General issued a note indicating that the Rome Statute, the treaty that establishes the International Criminal Court (ICC), will enter into force in relation to the State of Palestine…

Jammu-Kashmir: firing violations all night

Ceasefire Violations Update: Heavy firing by Pakistani troopers continued at Samba border, many houses damaged.  Village Gallar injured in Samba . Now no firing – 11.18 Hong Kong time, Sunday 4 January 2015.    

Beware the wounded bear

NATO’s nostalgia for the Cold War is showing. Ah, the predictability of the enemy, the romanticised spying games, the Orwellian balance of power… There seems to be a strong desire to bring it all back. According to Dennis Kucinich – Truthdig…

On the Brink of War and Economic Collapse

On occasion a reader will ask if I can give readers some good news. The answer is: not unless I lie to you like “your” government and the mainstream media do. If you want faked “good news,” you need to…

Change the Iran policy now

The First Conference on ”World Against Violence and Extremism” is inaugurated here in Tehran this morning by President Rouhani. His idea was endorsed unanimously by the UN General Assembly last year. This PressInfo was written before I came to Iran.…

Assange: The Future of the Web is in Latin America

A new landscape for the Latin America on-line infrastructure was proposed by Julian Assange, hacker, activist, journalist and founder of Wikileaks . During the First National Meeting of Internet Governance, held at the International Centre for Advanced Studies for Latin America…

Gorbachev: It’s up to Europe to prevent new Cold War between US and Russia

Human Wrongs Watch RT*, December 2014 — With the US still intoxicated by its Cold War “triumph” and pushing everyone to take an anti-Russian position, Europe must become the locomotive of shaping the new world order, former Soviet President Mikhail…

Who owns the spoils of war?

When I first heard about Yamashita’s Gold I was skeptical. The amount in tonnage and the amount in money terms were just overwhelming. However, being a fan of the Seagraves and having just been introduced to their writings on the…

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