
International issues

The Rights of Indigenous Peoples

“It is imperative that there be prior, free, and informed consultation of indigenous peoples concerning any project that could affect their rights”.

Greece’s geopolitics

Located in the Eastern Mediterranean and facing three continents, Greece, the weak link of the European Union (EU) and NATO, has strange relationships with Russia, China, Iran, Israel and Egypt. Simultaneously it is the bottleneck in migration issues, and contributes…

Do not sign the India-Japan nuclear agreement

International appeal to Prime Ministers of Japan and India, Shinzo Abe and Narendra Modi DO NOT SIGN THE INDIA-JAPAN NUCLEAR AGREEMENT DO NOT ALLOW THE REPROCESSING OF SPENT NUCLEAR FUEL It has become clear from media reports that in ongoing…

Modi’s visit to embroiled Jammu and Kashmir

Under a heading of “Modi’s speech in Jammu leaves BJP workers feeling disappointed and confused”,’s reporter Sameer Yasir detailed the feeling of those attending what was expected to be an important visit to Jammu and Kashmir by Indian Prime…

Peace, Force and Joy to the people of Iran

The Humanist Association of Hong Kong wishes to congratulate the Iranian people, and the negotiators on Iran’s team, who have been dealing patiently with the world powers to get this agreement lifting sanctions in return for limiting Iranian nuclear activity.…

Border troubles continue in Jammu Kashmir

In yet another ceasefire violation – this time ahead of the Indian prime minister’s visit, the International Border in the Kanachak sector of Akhnoor tehsil in Jammudistrict, was the scene of violence that left civilians and soldiers dead, which has…

Dispensing with Democracy

By Danny Katch  – ANCIENT GREECE is said to have introduced democracy to the world some 2,500 years ago. Now the world is trying to show modern Greece that it’s been wrong all along. Last January, when the Greeks elected…

Key points of historic nuclear deal reached by Iran and 6 world powers

Iran and six leading world powers signed a comprehensive plan for ending international sanctions against Iran in exchange for putting restrictions on its controversial nuclear program. RT takes a look at the final document. The deal signed in Vienna on…

UNHRC resolution A/HRC/29/L/35 re Gaza 2014 in the International Media

Haaretz “UN human rights chief: Israel may be committing war crimes in Gaza “Despite Israeli lobbying, Palestinians have managed to call for a vote on Wednesday on severe condemnation of IDF operation in Gaza.” Russia Today “Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin…

#Greferendum: Thank you people of Greece!

The people of Greece say NO to the troika’s proposals in the referendum. The democratic system and the hope in the future of Europe emerge strengthened.

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