
International issues

Campanje: Oproep tot Vrede en geweldloosheid in de sociale netwerken

Dutch version of Campaign through social networks calling for peace and nonviolence Op de sociale netwerken begon vandaag een bericht te circuleren dat oproept tot een houding van Vrede en geweldloosheid als reactie op de aanslagen die gisteravond plaats vonden…

Közösségimédia-kampány a békéért és az erőszakmentességért

Hungarian version of Campaign through social networks calling for peace and nonviolence Ma útjára indítunk egy üzenetet a közösségi hálózatokon keresztül, amelyben arra hívunk mindenkit, hogy békés és erőszakmentes választ adjon a tegnap esti párizsi támadásokat követően, azokat az intézkedéseket…

Призыв за мир и ненасилие в социальных сетях

Russian version of Campaign through social networks calling for peace and nonviolence Сегодня распространился по социальным сетям сообщения с призывом к населению ответить ненасильственным образом на ситуацию, возникшую после вчерашних терактов в Париже, и на меры, приняты правительствами Европейского союза…

קריאה למען השלום ואי האלימות ברשתות החברתיות

Hebrew version of Campaign through social networks calling for peace and nonviolence היום התחילה ברשתות החברתיות קריאה לאוכלוסיות העולם לתת תשובות המבוססות על השלום ואי האלימות. זאת, בעקבות הפיגועים שהתרחשו אמש בפריז ומפני הפעולות ש – כך נראה – ממשלות…

Campaign through social networks calling for peace and nonviolence

Today a message is beginning to circulate through the social networks calling for people to give responses based on peace and nonviolence following last night’s attacks in Paris and in front of the measures which the governments of France and…

Terrorist attacks in Paris: No to violence!

Several attacks have led to scores of dead in Paris and hundreds injured. Today, more than ever, it’s necessary to position oneself clearly against violence, where ever it comes from. The facts, still very confused More than 140 deaths and…

I operated Britain’s nuclear weapons and Jeremy Corbyn is right to oppose Trident

Robert Green 13 November 2015. Posted in News by Ecologist via Stop the War Commander Robert Green says Corbyn’s stance on nuclear weapons is honourable and both legally and strategically correct. Dear Jeremy, As a former operator of British nuclear…

Joseph Stiglitz: Under TPP, polluters could sue U.S. for setting carbon emissions limits

Nobel Prize-winning economist and Columbia University professor Joseph Stiglitz warns about the dangers of the TPP, the Trans-Pacific Partnership. “We know we’re going to need regulations to restrict the emissions of carbon,” Stiglitz said. “But under these provisions, corporations can…

It’s time to ban nuclear weapons: with or without consensus

As the UN General Assembly debates continue, Reaching Critical Will produces a weekly publication, First Committee Monitor, which deals with the issues raised in the First Committee, responsible for disarmament issues.  Pressenza is publishing this week’s editorial article by Ray…

Nuclear disarmament humanitarian incantations

As the UN General Assembly debates continue, Reaching Critical Will produces a weekly publication, First Committee Monitor, which deals with the issues raised in the First Committee, responsible for disarmament issues.  Pressenza is publishing this week’s editorial article by Ray…

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