
International issues

Reforming and strengthening the UN, Brazil’s main goal during its G20 presidency

Reforming and strengthening the United Nations (UN) will be Brazil’s main objective during the first major event it is organizing as president of the G20, said Mauricio Carvalho Lyrio, secretary for economic and financial affairs at the Ministry of Foreign…

Lula withdraws Brazil’s ambassador to Israel and asks his colleague to leave the country

Brazil is severing all diplomatic relations with Israel and has decided to expel Israel’s ambassador to Brazil and recall its ambassador to Tel Aviv. This was announced today by President Luis Ignacio Da Silva in response to the ongoing genocide…

February 2024: 10th anniversary of the conflict in Ukraine

In the coming days, we will surely hear about the so-called second anniversary of the war in Ukraine. Western governments, corporate media broadcasting the official pro-US line all day long, and “experts”-propagandists of this line will deliver their pseudo-analyses. All…

Waiting for The Launch of an Inclusive Cancer Vaccine

Russian President Vladimir Putin, while recently speaking at a Moscow function, announced that his country was waiting for the launch of cancer vaccines. Putin, globally condemned for the invasion of Ukraine resulting in many casualties and enormous property damages, announced…

A rally for the release of Julian Assange to be held in Argentina on 20 February

The activist group “Libertad Assange Argentina” is organizing a big event and art festival in defense of the Australian journalist Julian Assange on Tuesday 20 February, starting at 17:00. The event will take place in the emblematic Plaza de Mayo…

Diallo Ablaye/ “Genocide in the Congo and the total silence of the international community

Diallo Ablaye, founding vice-president of the Sur Sur International Cooperation Foundation, international representative of the World Pan-African Organisation OPAM-WOPO/OPDH, and secretary of CONAICOP (National and International Council of Popular Communication). We often speak about the genocide in Palestine. There is…

China and the US agreed to implement the consensus reached at the San Francisco Summit

Chinese State Councillor and Minister of Public Security Wang Xiaohong and US Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas agreed to implement the important consensus reached at the San Francisco meeting between the heads of state of the two countries.  During…

Citizen groups denounce EU leaders’ secret polluters’ pact

Today, Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen have been attending a closed-door meeting with 70 or more corporate leaders of Big Polluters to launch a declaration for a ‘European Industrial Deal’ at…

Supporters Rally Outside UK Consulate in NYC as Julian Assange’s High Court Hearing Begins

Today, amidst chilling temperatures, passionate supporters of journalist Julian Assange gathered outside the UK Consulate in New York City. Organized by various groups including NYC Free Assange, Assange Defense, and CODEPINK, the rally aimed to draw attention to Assange’s high-stakes…

Humanists and Supporters Getting Ready to Welcome the 3rd World March for Peace and Nonviolence to Pakistan

As recounted by Irshad Ahmad Mughal, “In the 1st World March for Peace and Nonviolence, our main activities were to do a Peace Walk from Gujranwala to Lahore (about 90 km) on foot which we did in two days. Then,…

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