
International issues

How we can make our vision of a world without nuclear weapons a reality

This piece by President Barack Obama of the United States, below, was published in the Washington Post on March 30th, shortly before a gathering of dozens of world leaders at the Nuclear Security Summit which attempted to tackle the subject…

Alice Slater ‘Sitting ducks: Dangerous & dumb to keep building nuclear power plants’

Alice Slater’s interview with just before the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, USA.  The transcript is below. “One doesn’t need nukes to attack a nuclear power plant,” says Alice Slater from the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation. “A simple explosive…

Obama’s nuclear summit – it wasn’t…

Obama gathered ‘world leaders’ in Washington this past week to once again attempt to justify his ‘Nobel Peace Prize’.  He failed.  (In the final group photo Kiev’s Petro Poroshenko is standing behind Obama.  He grabbed $335 million in US military…

Colombia: New Peace Process with ELN

Agreement between the National Government and the National Liberation Army to establish peace talks in Colombia The government of the Republic of Colombia (National Government) and the National Liberation Army (ELN), hereby known as “the delegations,” as a result of…

US Nuclear Security Summit shadowed by rising terrorism

When some of the world’s major nuclear powers meet in Washington DC next Friday, they will be shadowed by the rising terrorist attacks– largely in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. The 2016 Nuclear Security Summit, which will take place…

A new Sunni-Salafist-Zionist coalition changing the Middle East?

What would you make of news that Israel, Saudi-Arabia and others are talking about nuclear weapons? That they talk about how to fight Iran that has just signed an internationally binding agreement about not acquiring nuclear weapons? How strong is…

Rights of Nature—Why Do We Need It? 2

 In the last 40 years alone—the time from which the first environmental laws were enacted, we have ex­tinguished 50% of the populations of all species on earth, climate change is upon us, and the world’s ecosystems are col­lapsing. One of…

Brussels terrorists planned nuclear plants attack…

…changed target after accomplice’s arrest – report Brussels suicide bombers Khalid and Ibrahim El Bakraoui were planning attacks on Belgian nuclear power stations, Dernier Heure newspaper has reported. The newspaper exclusively reported that the arrest of Paris attacker Salah Abdeslam…

How narratives killed the Syrian people

On March 23, 2011, at the very start of what we now call the ‘Syrian conflict,’ two young men – Sa’er Yahya Merhej and Habeel Anis Dayoub – were gunned down in the southern Syrian city of Daraa.  Merhej and…

Genocide of the native peoples and slavery in olden days Caribbean

Reparations in the Americas Colonialism Reparation welcomes the support given by the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) to the request for reparations for the genocide of the native peoples and the slavery of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM)…

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