
International issues

Groundbreaking judgement on Germany’s role in US drone program

YEMENI CLAIMANTS WIN CASE IN GERMANY: GERMAN GOVERNMENT MUST ENSURE THAT US RESPECTS INTERNATIONAL LAW AT RAMSTEIN Münster/Berlin, 19 March 2019 – In the case Bin Ali Jaber v Germany, the Higher Administrative Court in Münster found in favor of…

Thunberg’s Problem. A Problem Without Any solution?

By Saral Sarkar For the last two or three months, I have been following the news on the school strike movement of teenagers, the purpose of which is to urge the grown-ups, particularly the politicians, to immediately do what is…

Ukraine: US arms sales making big business money while ordinary people pay the price

Liana Semchuk, University of Oxford for The Conversation Selling lethal weapons to Ukraine is the equivalent of pouring kerosene onto a flame. But ongoing hostilities between Ukraine and Russia – including the Kerch strait crisis, which began late last year…

The Power of the Israel Lobby Is Unrivaled

Zionists openly brag about the power of the Israel Lobby, but others who mention the lobby’s power are branded as anti-Semites.  We are supposed to accept the lobby’s power but never complain about it.   by Paul Craig Roberts, originally…

Venezuela’s Future Depends on China and Russia

  Neither China nor Russia is willing to see the United States overthrow the government in Venezuela. Both have commercial interests in the country. Both also seek to deepen a more diversified global order, with the United States no longer…

Climate Crisis: Now Will the Older Generation Step Up?

By Andy Rowel On Friday, the youth spoke. And they spoke loudly. In excess of a million young people skipped school and colleges and marched around the globe demanding urgent action on climate change. They did so in over a…

The Kartarpur Corridor: Will it pave the way for Indo-Pakistan harmony?

India’s partition and independence from foreign rule in 1947 left such a permanent stigma of enmity and hatred between the two countries, India and Pakistan, that both still remain on war footing. While mankind is leaping towards the moon and…

Multilateralism: A Testimony

By Ambassador Idriss Jazairy and Roberto Savio For over 70 years, the UN system has been perceived as the guardian of peace and development in the world. However, multilateralism today is undeniably under strain. The effectiveness of global institutions and…

Face 2 Face with Cinzia Arruzza

On this show we speak with Cinzia Arruzza from the International Women’s Strike USA about the events happening on March 8 in different latitudes in celebration of the International Women’s Day. 

Newest Chapter of the Perennial India-Pakistan Drama, and Social Media’s Violence vs. Real Life’s Violence.

By Partha Banerjee During the past few weeks’ India-Pakistan drama started with the tragic, terrorist killing of 45 Indian soldiers in Kashmir (which we all condemned in the strongest possible language, and then asked questions as to how such a…

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