
International issues

America’s Longest War Drags On In Afghanistan

By James Cogan The US national security advisor, Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster, was in Afghanistan over the weekend, speaking with President Ashraf Ghani and General John Nicholson, the US military commander in the country. The aim of the talks, the…

Globalization or Planetization?

By Leonardo Boff There is presently strong resistance to the process of globalization, aggravated by Donald Trump, who has forcefully pushed the idea of “The United States First”, or better said, “Only the United States”. Trump advocates war against global corporations,…

12 April 2017 – The world is once again dragged into war

The White House has finally aligned itself with the Coalition composed of the neo-conservatives around the United Kingdom and a variety of multinational companies. The United States have once again taken up the imperialist policies upon which they decided in…

Understanding the situation of the Middle East today : from the end of the Cold War to the aftermath of the “Arab Spring” (3/3)

To understand the situation of the Middle East today, it is necessary to go back a century in history. In effect, you must go back to the aftermath of the First World War to understand a large part of the…

America’s Woes and Europe’s Responsibility

By Farhang Jahanpour Last year’s U.S. presidential election campaign was the most acrimonious in recent history. The debates were personal and bad-tempered. Some email leaks from the Democratic National Committee showed that the committee had been actively trying to undermine…

INTERVIEW WITH THIERRY MEYSSAN: About “Under Our Eyes” by Thierry Meyssan

On the occasion of the publication of his book, “Right Under Our Eyes. From September 11 to Donald Trump”, Thierry Meyssan granted this interview via the Internet. VOLTAIRE NETWORK | DAMASCUS (SYRIA) | 20 MARCH 2017 Voltaire Network: Thierry Meyssan,…

Understanding the situation of the Middle East today. From 1945 to 1990, a stake of the Cold War (2/3)

To understand the situation of today’s Middle East, it’s necessary to review a century of history. Indeed one has to go back to the aftermath of World War I to see the establishment of a large proportion of the geopolitical…

Understanding the situation of the Middle East today. From one world war to another (1/3)

To understand the situation of today’s Middle East, it’s necessary to review a century of history. It’s necessary to go back to the aftermath of the First World War to see a large part of the geopolitical data that explains…

27th March: Talks to start on a treaty to ban nuclear weapons

“The Conference, while welcoming achievements in bilateral and unilateral reductions by some nuclear-weapon States, notes with concern that the total estimated number of nuclear weapons deployed and stockpiled still amounts to several thousands. The Conference expresses its deep concern at…

An Open Letter to Trump and Putin: The World Needs Nuclear Zero

David Krieger* | Nuclear Age Peace Foundation This may be the most dangerous time in human history. In a dramatic recent decision, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has moved its iconic Doomsday Clock ahead from three minutes to only…

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