
International issues

Russia Calls House Bill an “Act of War.” Will the Senate Block H.R. 1644?

By Gar Smith Top Russian officials are concerned that a bill passed by the US Congress will do more than increase sanctions on North Korea. Moscow claims H.R. 1644 violates its sovereignty and constitutes an “act of war.” On May…

US Army lost track of $1 billion worth of arms and equipment in Iraq, Kuwait

US Army lost track of $1 billion worth of arms and equipment in Iraq, Kuwait  A newly released declassified audit from the US Department of Defense shows that negligent accounting by the military has resulted in the Pentagon not knowing…

UN concern about civilian casualties of anti-terror bombings in Syria

United Nations, May 26 (Prensa Latina) UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra”ad Al Hussein today expressed concern over the impact on the Syrian civilian population of the bombings against positions of the Islamic State (IS) terrorist group. More…

Terrorism in Manchester

Nothing happens in isolation. Everything happens in a context. Difficult as it may be – since what we know about it changes day by day – an analysis of the Manchester suicide bombing has to be carried out within the various…

Jeremy Scahill & Glenn Greenwald: Criminalizing WikiLeaks is a Threat to Journalists Everywhere

Swedish prosecutors recently dropped the investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct by WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. Assange has always denied the allegations, which he calls a pretext for his ultimate extradition to the U.S. to face prosecution under the Espionage…

Protesters Take Net Neutrality Issue To FCC Chair’s Home

By Kevin Zeese Arlington, VA – Ajit Pai, the Chair of the FCC, is on a mission to destroy the Internet by reclassifying it so that it is no longer a common carrier where we all have equal access and…

China’s Belt and Road Initiative: an ancient route renewed

China’s Belt and Road Initiative revives history for modern trade, development and renewable energy across Asia Stretching thousands of kilometres, across mountains and deserts, the Silk Road holds a special place in history. Traversed by Marco Polo and named after…

African Migrants Bought and Sold Openly in ‘Slave Markets’ in Libya

By Baher Kamal ROME, May 9 2017 (IPS) – Hundreds of migrants along North African migration routes are being bought and sold openly in modern day ‘slave markets’ in Libya, survivors have told the United Nations migration agency, which warned…

May Day 2017: Trample All Forms Of Sectarianism

By Farooque Chowdhury One hundred years ago, the proletariat in Petrograd celebrated the historic May Day in jubilation and honor. “Thousands of people turned out for the 1917 May Day parade. They carried […] banners and posters, which became the…

Middle East, Engulfed by a ‘Perfect Storm’

By Baher Kamal for IPS. A perfect storm has engulfed the Middle East, and continues to threaten international peace and security. Hardly anyone could sum up the Middle East explosive situation in so few, blunt words as just did Nickolay…

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