
International issues

Nobel Women Peace Laureates Call for an End to Rohingya Genocide

As three Nobel peace laureates—Tawakkol Karman of Yemen, Shirin Ebadi of Iran, and Mairead Maguire of Northern Ireland – conclude their visit to Bangladesh on the six-month anniversary of the current Rohingya crisis, the three women are calling for an…

Two-front War (China & Pakistan) not a Good Idea, says Indian General

By Abdus Sattar Ghazali Arguing for a greater role of diplomacy to bring normalcy in tense relations with neighboring Pakistan, Lt. Gen Surinder Singh, the General Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Western Command, has said that a two-front war is not a “smart…

Putin’s State of the Union

The military/security complex and the neoconservative ideology of US world hegemony have proved sufficiently powerful to prevent President Trump from normalizing relations with Russia. If push comes to shove, how can any country hosting US ABMs, US nuclear weapons, and US military bases…

Europe’s big Plans for Iran Trade announce Independence from Trump’s Washington

France, Belgium, Italy and other European countries are setting up state-backed Euro-denominated investment and trade pipelines that avoid US currency and banks. Italy alone is planning to invest $5 bn in Iran. By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | Feb. 26, 2018…

Oliver Stone Exposes US Coup d’état In Ukraine

Here is Oliver Stone’s documentary on Washington’s coup in Ukraine. The truth differs greatly from the lies told by the Western presstitutes and the US government. The original article by Paul Craig Roberts can be found here   The people…

Why Washington Struck Russian Contractors In Syria?

By Nauman Sadiq On February 7, the US B-52 bombers and Apache helicopters struck a contingent of Syrian government troops and allied forces in Deir al-Zor that reportedly killed and wounded dozens of Russian military contractors working for the Russian…

Rose Bay, Australia: A Tale Of Development Told Everywhere On Earth

By Jerome Irwin, Andrew Taylor, a columnist with the Sydney Morning Herald, has raised some pressing issues about out-of-control development in Sydney’s suburbs that should give everyone in the modern world cause to reflect upon, because the constant problems of…

NGOs, the attack on Oxfam’s credibility and the accidental coincidences

Oxfam, the Non-Governmental Organization, the same organization that in recent weeks had launched a devastating report on inequality in the world, has been left with its once high reputation on the ground, following a synchronized attack by the hegemonic press.…

Korea: An Olympic Truce – Time For Concerted Nongovernmental Efforts

By Rene Wadlow The holding of the Winter Olympics in South Korea from February 9 to 25, followed by the Paralympics on March 9-18, may be an opportunity to undertake negotiations in good faith to reduce tensions on the Korean…

Behind the Golden Door: The Resilience of Today’s Immigrants

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” Emma Lazarus (1883) America, the…

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