
International issues

APAPA Joins Leading Chinese Americans to Highlight Concerns Amid Rising U.S. – China Tensions

On October 3, 2019, Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs (APAPA) joined a group of leading policy makers, legal experts, educators, business leaders and scientists in Silicon Valley to tackle the impact of rising U.S. – China tensions on the…

[Ecuador] National strike: The cry of the people in the streets

By Fluxus Foto After the official announcement of the new economic measures, mainly the liberation of the subsidy to the prices of the extra gasoline and diesel, the union of transporters at national level decided to call a paralysis of…

Ground-breaking clean air protocol to guard human health and the planet, enters into force

European and North American countries will take a major stride in cleaning up the atmosphere next Monday, 7 October, through the implementation of an amended legally binding treaty to limit the amount of emissions polluting the air. With 18 countries and the European Union now having ratified the…

The Africa-Palestine Conference: Why South Africa Must Lead the Way

By Dr Ramzy Baroud On September 16, I visited South Africa, a country where many Palestinians have always felt welcomed, if not overwhelmed by the degree of genuine and meaningful solidarity. While having the honor to address many audiences in six, major…

Make Your Mark For Peace. Final Declaration Of The 17th Nobel Peace Summit

DECLARATION OF THE XVIITH SUMMIT OF NOBEL PEACE LAUREATES MAKE YOUR MARK FOR PEACE We, the Nobel Peace Laureates and Peace Laureate Organisations, gathered at the XVIIth World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates from 19 – 22 September 2019, wish…

Politics, Spirituality and Post-Truth in Argentina and the “World“

This material was presented in the Talk-debate developed in the Villa Hipódromo Command of the Frente de Tod@s, Godoy Cruz, Mendoza, Argentina. It was on September 10, 2019 by invitation within the framework of the Andrea Blandini Mayoral 2019-2023 Campaign.…

The Chinese vision of a “Community of Shared Destiny for Humanity”: a prelude to a universal humanist moment?

by Javier Tolcachier The 70th anniversary (1/10) of the founding of the People’s Republic of China is approaching. This anniversary will be celebrated by the Chinese people, now a world power. Far from demanding revenge for a past of hunger,…

Inferno: From climate denial to planetary arson

By Dr Andrew Glikson The planetary consequences of injecting >910 billion tons CO2 into the atmosphere are playing in real time. The Arctic Circle is suffering from an unprecedented number of wildfires in the latest sign of a climate crisis. With…

The Courage of Saying No: Children, Rebellion and Greta Thunberg

By Dr Binoy Kampmark There is something to be said of wariness when it comes to revolutionary voices.  As Albert Camus argued in that beautiful tract of illumination and contradiction, The Rebel, “All modern revolutions have ended in the reinforcement of…

Face 2 Face with Alice Slater

On this show we speak with Alice Slater about the historical process of nuclear weapon treaties and the relationship between the US and Russia. Alice is the UN NGO Representative of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, sits on the boards…

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