
International issues

Money rules the world – but who rules money?

Berne – The referendum campaign for the Sovereign Money Initiative is being presented in Berne today. The people bringing the initiative put a question to the Swiss voters: Who should be allowed to create our Swiss francs? Private commercial banks…

How They Sold the Iraq War

The war on Iraq was a propaganda war where loaded phrases, such as “weapons of mass destruction” and “rogue state” were hurled like precision weapons at the target audience: us. Blair paid a price for his grandiose puffery. Bush has skated…

Liars, damned liars, and Boris Johnson

There are three categories of liars: Liars, Damned liars, and…  Boris Johnson, the Secretary of State for the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office. The FCO minister, backed by Prime Minister Theresa May and the roar of the mainstream media, has…

Blame for the Salisbury poison attack: Where is the evidence?

The nerve agent attack on the former Soviet double agent Skripal and his daughter on British soil has reached unimagined proportions: the culprit is quickly identified by Western governments and media: it must have been Russia, because the nerve poison…

Jeremy Corbyn and other voices of reason over the UK nerve gas incident

A Russian father, former double spy convicted in Russia and exchanged by Britain for other spies, and his daughter were found unconscious on a bench in Salisbury. Preliminary assessment suggests a nerve gas agent. The government has jumped to accuse…

Of A Type Developed By Liars

by Craig Murray, 16/3/18. originally posted here I have now received confirmation from a well placed FCO source that Porton Down scientists are not able to identify the nerve agent as being of Russian manufacture, and have been resentful of…

Russia, Russia, Russia: America’s Theater of the Absurd

By Gary Corseri The recent article, linked-to below, by columnist Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone, covers a lot of ground; with thoroughness, wit and clear thinking. Mostly, Taibbi pinpoints how much trouble and confusion we’ve managed to create for ourselves…

Confluence of the World March and Jai Jagat

WWW&V International.- Press Release Representatives of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence and the Jai Jagat March, meeting in Gwalior (India), agreed on the collaboration between both marches. These two actions of great magnitude suppose they will mark the…

Trump hostage to CIA: preparing for WW3

The military/security complex has closed its grip on the Trump regime. They intend to hold on to the “Russia threat” as a justification of its budget and power. The European puppets and the presstitutes follow suit in amplifying the US…

Probing Duterte’s Foreign Policy in the New Regional Order, ASEAN, China and the US

Towards an Independent Philippine Foreign Policy By Professor Roland G. Simbulan University of the Philippines & Vice Chair, Center for People’s Empowerment in Governance (CenPeg) (Co-author’s message during the launching of the book, PROBING DUTERTE’S FOREIGN POLICY IN THE NEW…

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