
International issues

The Four Horsemen Gallop By

The notion that Britain will take part in military action against Syria with neither investigation of the evidence nor a parliamentary vote is worrying indeed. Without Security Council authorisation, any such action is illegal in any event. Originally published by…

On The Threshold of War

By Paul Craig Roberts, April 9, 2018 “The Russian view is simple: the West is ruled by a gang of thugs supported by an infinitely lying and hypocritical media while the general public in the West has been hopelessly zombified.” —…

‘Mutant fish in murky waters’: US brings global chaos & has no real friends, says Russia’s UN envoy

Russia has warned the US and its allies against “fishing in murky waters” of the Middle East, causing further chaos there. The US shouldn’t assume it has friends, only countries unable to disagree, UN envoy Vassily Nebenzia said. The US…


The UK is drawing plans to join a possible US military action against Syria in response to the alleged chemical attack in town of Douma, which took place on April 7. According to reports, on April 9, military chiefs were instructed by the…

Gaza: another slaughter as the UN once again looks the other way

At this very moment (2pm local time, April, 7), the funeral of the last victims of Israeli gunfire is taking place here in Gaza. Yesterday’s slaughter showed the world how Tel Aviv, confident of its impunity, intends to stop the…

Geneva launches new government round on autonomous weapons: The danger of machines learning to kill by themselves

by Javier Tolcachier It stands for LAWS. These are the lethal autonomous weapon systems, also called killer robots. Far from being futuristic hallucinations of science fiction writers, they constitute one of the nuclei of the current arms race. The US…

The Isolation of Julian Assange Must Stop

We call on the government of Ecuador to allow Julian Assange his right of freedom of speech. by NOAM CHOMSKY, CHRIS HEDGES, JOHN PILGER, ET AL. First published on Counterpunch April 2, 2018.   If it was ever clear that the…

There are already 17 dead, victims of repression in Gaza

Tens of thousands of Palestinians participated in the Great Return March on Friday, commemorating Land Day. The Israeli army claims that part of the demonstrators threw incendiary bombs and burning tires at the position of the soldiers who responded with…

Baltasar Garzón to appear in the opening session of the European Humanist Forum 2018

Judge Baltasar Garzón will be in the opening session of the European Humanist Forum 2018 taking place on the 11th, 12th and 13th of May in Madrid. He will talk about issues concerning Universal Jurisdiction in the defence of Human…

#EHF2018: What unites us towards the Universal Human Nation

With the slogan “What unites us towards the Universal Human Nation”, the 5th European Humanist Forum will take place on the 11th, 12th and 13th of May in Madrid.  The opening session will take place in the Education Science Faculty…

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