
International issues

We Need Feminism Free of Condescension 

The following is from a speech by CODEPINK co-director, Danaka Katovich, given at Palestinian Feminist Collective’s International Working Women’s Day Vigil for Palestine on Friday March 8th I was three years old when CODEPINK was founded, by women I still…

Talk from Gerry Condon at the showing of the DocuFilm ALL OUR NOs, who were the Italian military internees?

Here is the talk given by Gerry Condon, on Saturday, March 9, 2024, at CINEMA ARTS CENTRE in Huntington, NY, following the showing of the documentary ALL OUR NOs about the 650,000 Italian Military Internees Soldiers Captured Who Refused to…

Panel Discussion: Strengthening Peace in the Nordic Region (video)

The panel discussion on March 8, 2024, addressed the pressing need for peace amidst a backdrop of complex global developments, particularly in the Nordic Region. From grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic’s multifaceted impacts to navigating geopolitical tensions stemming from events…

What Is Happening in Europe!!!

It seems Europe and the European Union are sliding into total madness. I do not mean the populations, but our non-elected masters in Brussels and our so-called politicians, inside and outside the governments. Something very dark and ugly is happening…

While some fight for regional integration, others bomb it

The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), in the Kingstown Declaration, outlined several measures to be taken to achieve greater regional integration and development, such as cooperation in the health sector or the need for more air links…

Climate change hits rural women hardest

Heat waves and floods caused by climate change affect rural women more than men because they exacerbate inequalities, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) says in a new report. By IPS correspondent The study, “The Unjust Climate”, says that…

Psychosocial or the beginning of an escalation of the war?

In what appears to be a move to pressure the United States to spend more money to support Ukraine and to pressure German Chancellor Scholz to decide to send long-range missiles – such as the Taurus cruise missile, which can…

CALL for an Olympic Truce during the Paris Olympic Games! to establish a just and lasting peace in Ukraine, Gaza and elsewhere

The ancient Greeks suspended the warring between themselves for the duration of the Olympic Games. In those days, the Games lasted only five days. But the truce lasted as long as the athletes needed to get to and from Olympia,…

Starving Gaza. An ARCI report from Rafah

We publish the report sent from the Rafah crossing, on the border between Egypt and the Gaza Strip, by ARCI President Walter Massa, a member of the Italian delegation organized by AOI (1), in collaboration with ARCI (2) and Assopace…

Julian Assange’s brother Gabriel Shipton is invited to SOTU on Thursday.

U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie has invited Gabriel Shipton, the brother of imprisoned Julian Assange, as his guest for this week’s U.S. State of the Union address. “I am honored to be Rep. Massie’s guest at the State of the Union…

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