
International issues

Rohingya Crisis: Won’t the Issue be resolved?

by Hafizur Talukdar Almost four years have passed. But the Rohingya issue was not resolved. There is not much movement in Rohingya as various issues have been created in the country. The Rohingya people started fleeing from Myanmar to Bangladesh…

Chomsky: what to expect from COP-26

Chomsky, now 92, is the author of several political bestsellers, translated into several languages. His critiques of power and his defence of the autonomy and political action of ordinary people have inspired generations of activists and social organisers. He has…

Barbadian Prime Minister Mia Mottley challenges the major powers at COP 26

Mia Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados, Mia Mottley, delivered a powerful speech this week at this year’s COP 26 in Glasgow, Scotland. Do some leaders in this world believe they can survive on their own? Have they not learned from…

The excuse of job creation in military investments

When the General State Budget is presented, the Minister of Defence of the day insists that the multimillion-dollar expenditure dedicated to the purchase of armaments generates employment. But, as the authors point out, a comparison of the jobs created in…

How the Wealthiest Countries Schemed to Avoid Economic Commitments at COP26

The G20, an exclusive club of mostly wealthy nations, met just before the COP26 in Glasgow and paid little more than lip service to the world’s leading problems, while preserving their own financial dominance. By Sonali Kolhatkar Heads of state…

No empty slogans needed in addressing climate change: China’s UN envoy

Zhang Jun, China’s permanent representative to the United Nations (UN), said on Tuesday that tackling climate change needs firm commitment and continued actions, not empty slogans. Zhang wrote on Twitter that in addressing climate change, what the world doesn’t need…

The NPT Review Conference: Finally, New York, January 2022

“We now have the opportunity to carry out the important work of the Review Conference and to ensure the NPT maintains its place as the cornerstone of the nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation regime and an essential pillar of international peace…

Understanding Russia’s Special Interest Within The Context Of Power Shift In Sudan

Whether it was “a coup or not a coup” by definition, description or explanation, what happened October 25 was simply a power shift or appropriately a political power grab under gun point (unconstitutional change of government and state power) in…

Why Julian Assange’s Inhumane Prosecution Imperils Justice for Us All

When I first saw Julian Assange in Belmarsh prison, in 2019, shortly after he had been dragged from his refuge in the Ecuadorean embassy, he said, “I think I am losing my mind.” By John Pilger He was gaunt and…

COP26 exposes failure of neoliberalism

The UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow October 31st thru November 12th may be the most significant climate conference of all time. The fate of the planet is on the line. Prior to that august event, hundreds of peer-reviewed…

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