
International issues

Let’s Eliminate Nuclear Weapons, Before They Eliminate Us

When UN Secretary-General António Guterres congratulated States Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) on the successful conclusion of their first meeting in Vienna, his warning was dead on target. “Let’s eliminate these weapons before they…

IFOR speaks on conscientious objection and war in Ukraine at the UN

IFOR took the floor in the plenary of the ongoing 50th session of the UN Human Rights Council during the Interactive Dialogue with the High Commissioner Michelle Bachelet -at her last ID at the UN HRC- on the situation in…

Ukraine Is the Latest Neocon Disaster

The war in Ukraine is the culmination of a 30-year project of the American neoconservative movement.  The Biden Administration is packed with the same neocons who championed the US wars of choice in Serbia (1999), Afghanistan (2001), Iraq (2003), Syria…

Toxic and wastes watchdog group urges consumers to promote reusable eco-friendly bags

QUEZON CITY, July 3 – In celebration of International Plastic Bag Free Day, BAN Toxics hosted an event in which they encouraged Filipino customers and vendors to abandon single-use plastic bags in favor of reusable and eco-friendly alternatives. The event…

The United States Contests the Chinese Belt and Road with a Private Corporation

At the G7 Summit in Germany, on June 26, 2022, U.S. President Joe Biden made a pledge to raise $200 billion within the United States for global infrastructure spending. It was made clear that this new G7 project—the Partnership for…

Either we will all be saved or we will all disappear equally! That, is the dilema

Following the recent strategy decided by NATO at its Madrid Summit, which states that China “challenges its interests, security and values”, and that Russia is “the most significant and direct threat” to its interests, the world is moving very quickly…

50 years after Nixon’s trip to China

Fifty years ago, President Nixon made an international tour that would change the fate of the world: the visit of a US president to China for the first time in two decades. By Patricio Torres Luque* This was the great…

CO2 Removal?

Last year, worldwide energy-related CO2 topped 36B tons. That’s a new world record. “Carbon dioxide removal is essential to achieve net-zero [greenhouse-gas emissions],” Diána Ürge-Vorsatz, vice-chair of the working group that produced the nearly 3,000-page UN climate panel report. (Source:…

Covid deaths in the US (over 1 million) and China (about 5000).

“History Should Judge Us” – and it will. John V. Walsh In May and June of 2022 two milestones were passed in the world’s battle with Covid and were widely noted in the press, one in the US and one…

Russia-African Relations in the Context of Geopolitical Changes

Russia needs to go beyond its traditional rhetoric of Soviet assistance rendered to Africa. It is important now to highlight concrete success stories and policy achievements, at least, during the past decade in Africa. The young generation and the middle…

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