
Ecology and Environment

Philippine NGO Raises Red Alert Over Lead Contaminated Lipsticks (Dangerous levels of lead in lipsticks make the group see red)

As National Lipstick Day is observed on July 29, a toxics watchdog group issued a red alert following its discovery of dirt-cheap lipsticks that are heavily contaminated with lead, a chemical banned in cosmetics. The EcoWaste Coalition has warned consumers,…

Love for Living Animals: Only 25 Philippine Balabac Mouse Deer Were Seen Recently. Many Owe Their Lives to Pearls

ESSAY       By Mona Gonzalez We must safeguard the web of life and care about the other living species that we share this planet with. Pygmy tarsiers eat and host bugs that we’ve seen at home — insects,…

Earth Overshoot Day returns to July 29

Earth Overshoot Day 2021 falls on July 29, Glasgow City Council Leader Susan Aitken announced on behalf of Global Footprint Network and the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA). “With still almost half a year ahead of us, by July 29,…

The United Nations Food Systems Forum (UNFSS): where corporations continue to define our food systems and control our diets

The Pre-Summit of the United Nations Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) taking place in Rome, as a preparative stage to the New York September Summit, is, as expected, going in the wrong direction. As many civil society members, as well as past…

‘Climate Change Is Here,’ Says Oregon Governor, ‘And We Have to Take Action’

As wildfires devour her state, the Democrat declares that the climate emergency is “like a hammer hitting us in the head.” By Jessica Corbett With the massive Bootleg Fire less than half contained and having burned nearly 409,000 acres in Oregon, Democratic Gov.…

Cassava in Massive Production in Zambia (Camaproza).

Alleviating hunger and poverty, overcoming malnutrition in Zambia and Africa. By Miniver Chalwe Miniver, is creating a platform where cassava, abandoned crops, and fruits, can be processed, and grown. Introduced to farmers and households, this project teaches them how to,…

‘Wake Up Call’: Rapidly Thawing Permafrost Threatens Trans-Alaska Pipeline

“The implications of this speak to the pipeline’s integrity and the effect climate change is having on pipeline safety in general.” Alaska’s thawing permafrost is undermining the supports that hold up an elevated section of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline, putting in danger…

Love For Living Animals: Barbary Lions Only in Captivity?

ESSAY We must safeguard the web of life and care about the other living species that we share this planet with. Pygmy tarsiers eat and host bugs that we’ve seen at home — insects, spiders, lizards, bedbugs, lice, fleas, roundworms,…

Globalization explained by economist Helena Norberg Hodge

“Don’t leave the economy to the“ experts ”! By Fiorella Carollo In the year 1991 Helena N. Hodge published a book that has been read all around the world. With the significant title “Ancient Futures” it recounted her experience and…

“Defending the Sacred”: Indigenous Water Protectors Continue Resistance to Line 3 Pipeline in Minnesota

Resistance to construction of the Enbridge Line 3 tar sands pipeline continues in northern Minnesota, where more than a dozen water protectors this week locked themselves to construction vehicles at two worksites, and to the pipeline itself. Just last month,…

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