
Ecology and Environment

Should Humans Try to Modify the Amount of Sunlight the Earth Receives?

Managing solar radiation through technology is possible, but there are ethical and political concerns. By Daniel Ross Desperate times call for desperate measures, as the saying goes. As scientists, policymakers and politicians keep one increasingly startled eye on climate change’s…

UN releases final draft agreement in last stretch of COP26 as new data predicts 2.4°C global temperature rise this century

In the Scottish city of Glasgow, the United Nations climate agency on Wednesday released a draft of the final agreement of the UN Climate Change Conference, known as COP26, which urges countries to set more radical targets for reducing greenhouse…

Mind The Military Emissions Gap

For the past nine days at COP26, governments have been releasing information about what they will do – or will not do, as the case may be – to meet the targets of the Paris Climate Accord. According to a…

Guatemala: The Estor on the verge of extinction

The country faces a battle similar to those of other African nations. When the powers set their eyes, their capital and their influence on the wealth of weaker and more dependent nations, it is the moment when these nations cease…

Indigenous peoples want to move towards clean energy sovereignty

In the community of Bella Bella on Turtle Island in the western Canadian province of British Columbia, the indigenous Heiltsuk people capture heat from the air through devices for 40 percent of their homes in a plan aimed at sustainable…

Mother Nature, Inc.

Wall Street investors have hit the jackpot. Soon they’ll be able to buy, own, and dictate The Commons, public lands, the world of Mother Nature. In fact, a pilot project is already in the works with ecosystems up for sale…

The climate, ecological and human health crisis Human beings as a central value?

By: Doris Balvin [1] The current state of the global environmental situation and those responsible. Talking about the global environmental situation, within the framework of the Open World Meeting of New Humanism, entitled “The human being as a central value”,…

On the sidelines of COP-26, People’s Summit for Climate Justice takes place in Glasgow

From 7-10 November 2021, as world leaders gather to debate our future, the COP26 Coalition will host the People’s Summit for Climate Justice. Decisions made at COP26 will determine how governments respond (or not) to the climate crisis. But justice…

Philippine Government Tightens Regulations on Highly Toxic Cadmium and Hexavalent Chromium

7 November 2021, Quezon City.   The Government of the Philippines has imposed new policies tightening regulations on the industrial uses of cancer-causing cadmium and hexavalent chromium to protect human health and the environment. The toxics watchdog group EcoWaste Coalition, which…

Love for Living Animals: Orangutans, With 96.4% of  Human Genes, are “Persons of the Forest”  

ESSAY We must safeguard the web of life and care about the other living species that we share this planet with. Pygmy tarsiers eat and host bugs that we’ve seen at home — insects, spiders, lizards, bedbugs, lice, fleas, roundworms,…

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