
Ecology and Environment

Battle for the Earth: The Fossil Giants, Free Trade and War – Part 5

Why is humanity so entangled with the fossil fuel industry and incapable of meaningful climate action? What are the structures that make Big Oil so invincible to systemic change towards a truly sustainable economy? How are conflicts and wars used…

Offloading Climate Responsibility on the Victims of Climate Change

An interview with Nigerian environmentalist Nnimmo Bassey. By Steve Taylor Editor’s note: This interview has been edited for clarity and length from the author’s conversation with Nnimmo Bassey on October 7, 2022. For access to the full interview’s audio and…

Economy and society must turn climate change upside down

Only an “urgent and comprehensive” transformation of sectors and systems of the economy and society can avert the looming climate catastrophe, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) warned in a new report on Thursday. Inger Andersen, executive director of UNEP,…

Battle for the Earth: Dirty Oil – It’s not just about carbon, dammit! – Part 4

A climate discussion that focuses solely on carbon emissions gives the impression that the climate measures envisaged by governments will soon really hurt the fossil fuel industry. But focusing solely on CO2 is a choice that the industry itself has…

Munich,13 scientists held in prison after nonviolent climate protest in Germany

After a protest in the luxury car showroom of BMW’s headquarters in Munich, 15 members of Scientist Rebellion have been taken into preventive custody. Thirteen of them will be held until Friday, 4th of November, while two others will remain in…

Camposampiero says immediate ceasefire and peace talks urgently needed

National mobilisation in solidarity with the Ukrainian people and the victims of all wars. On 5 November a national mobilisation for peace will take place in Rome, Italy, with the slogans “immediate ceasefire, negotiation for peace”, “ban all nuclear weapons”,…

30 By 30: Wild Land Workers Need a Fivefold Salary Increase to save 30% of Global Wild Lands by 2030

The first-ever study of its kind stresses that earnings of natural park staff  must increase for the health of life on Earth Governments around the world have come together to potentially commit to protect 30% of the planet’s wild lands by 2030. The…

Battle for the Earth: The Dangerous Deception of “Net Zero by 2050″. Part 3

The most dangerous deception for climate protection at the moment is “Net Zero 2050.” All the climate culprits – Big Oil and corporate-friendly governments – have been quick to adopt this as the new climate target, but it has two…

Science Rebellion and Climate Debt occupy Black Rock offices to denounce its role in fossil fuel expansion and debt of the Global South

Munich, 25 October 2022. The Science Rebellion continues to escalate the intensity of its actions. 28 members of Debt for Climate and Scientist Rebellion have blockaded the building of the international investment fund BlackRock in Munich. They forced their way…

Battle for the Earth: The Fossil Fuel Industry’s Baffling Strategies (Part 2)

In his book, The New Climate War: the fight to take back our planet, climatologist Michael E. Mann reports how powerful fossil fuel interest groups are still pouring millions of dollars into covert operations targeted to boycott meaningful climate action.…

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