
Ecology and Environment

EcoWaste Coalition Backs Community Action to Protect People and the Environment from Firecrackers and Fireworks

27 December 2022, Quezon City.  The toxics watchdog group EcoWaste Coalition exhorted the country’s over 42,000 barangays (communities) to mount proactive action that will protect their constituents and the ecosystems from harm caused by the lighting of firecrackers and fireworks,…

Dr Vandana Shiva: What’s missing from the climate change debate

“The destabilisation of the Earth’s climate systems is the consequence of violating the Earth’s ecological processes and cycles, violating the Rights of the Earth, the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Rights of Future Generations. Fossil fuels have driven the…

Premiere of the documentary “Absence of Water” has an impact on the desolate reality of Aculeo Lagoon, Chile

The documentary “Ausencia del Agua” is now available for free viewing on the Atacama Records website. This audiovisual creation exposes the abandonment of nature and the disaffection of Chilean society towards its natural resources. Through a landscape of desolation, music…

COP15: Countries reach historic agreement to protect the planet’s biodiversity

In the Canadian city of Montreal, delegates from nearly 200 countries participating in the UN Conference on Biodiversity, known as COP15, reached an agreement to protect at least 30% of the land and oceans considered important for biodiversity by 2030.…

COP15 recognises Indigenous Peoples’ work, but won’t disarm the threat of mass extinction

At the final adoption of an agreement at COP15, Greenpeace welcomes the explicit recognition of Indigenous Peoples’ rights, roles, territories, and knowledge as the most effective biodiversity protection that has come out of the UN biodiversity talks. An Lambrechts, head…

EcoWaste Coalition Promotes Eco-Friendly Celebration of Christmas to Prevent and Reduce “Holitrash”

21 December 2022, Quezon City.  As Christmas draws closer, a waste and pollution watchdog group appealed for public cooperation to lessen the environmental impact of the much-anticipated festive celebration. At an event held yesterday at the San Pablo Apostol Parish…

UN Biodiversity Agreement by 2030: Protect 30% of Earth’s lands, oceans, coastal areas, inland waters (final text)

UN Biodiversity Agreement by 2030 Nearing the conclusion of a sometimes fractious two-week meeting, nations of the world today agreed on a historic package of measures deemed critical to addressing the dangerous loss of biodiversity and restoring natural ecosystems. Convened…

International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity celebrate COP15 deal on nature, and welcome the opportunity of working together

Following two weeks of often tense negotiations of the Kunming-Montreal  Global Biodiversity Framework(GBF), in Montreal, Canada, the International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity (IIFB) praised the text for its “strong language on respect for the rights of Indigenous Peoples and local…

COP15 Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN) denounces the false solutions of the draft agreement

According to the Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN) the UN biodiversity talks at COP15 put forward a text that acknowledges the necessary rights, roles and knowledge of Indigenous Peoples but leaves targets wide open for industry to continue biodiversity-destroying activities,…

New circular solutions to plastic pollution are emerging

Collecting plastics at a Nairobi rubbish dump (Image by Aljazeera, video capture) Experts agree that Africa’s economies need to develop innovative approaches to deal with plastic production, which will double in 20 years and negatively affect the continent’s rural communities.…

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