
Ecology and Environment

ClientEarth files climate risk lawsuit against Shell’s Board with support from institutional investors

ClientEarth files world-first derivative action in High Court of England and Wales Claim alleges Shell Board mismanaging climate risk, breaching company law Institutional investors with over 12 million shares in the company support the claim ClientEarth has today filed a…

VISION & GRIT: Exceptional Zero Waste Women in the Asia Pacific Region

Akira Sakano: Contextualizing Zero Waste by Marco Sumayao On quiet days when she isn’t busy championing Zero Waste policies in Japan, you might find Akira Sakano on a secluded mountaintop, on the lookout for rare birds. She’s had a lifelong…

A Realistic ‘Energy Transition’ Is to Get Better at Using Less of It

Being an early adopter of solar technology has given me personal insight into some of the practical limitations and difficulties of the energy transition. By Richard Heinberg In 2022, I authored two articles expressing doubts about society’s transition from fossil fuels to renewable…

Humanity’s Secret War Against the Environment, Ourselves, and Our Children

 Inequitable family planning and illogical pro-growth policies are taking away every child’s right to a fair start in life. By Carter Dillard There is a conflict between ecocentric people struggling for freedom, and anthropocentric people threatening that freedom. This conflict,…

Big Heat Hits Antarctica

A recent report out of West Antarctica is rattling scientists. It’s all about heat, big-time heat, encroaching upon the world’s biggest chunk of ice that locks down a couple hundred feet of sea level rise. This kind of news is…

Biodiversity loss, the sixth great extinction and the need for action

Susan Price of the Green Left talks with Canadian ecosocialist Marc Bonhomme about the United Nations Conference on Biodiversity (COP15), held in Montreal from 7 to 19 December 2022. By Susan Price (S. P.): COP15 in Montreal has received much…

Caribbean first region to launch universal early warning system initiative

Every year at the same time, the Caribbean region faces a cycle of hurricanes, which in recent years have evolved in force and frequency due to climate change. For this reason, the region was chosen to launch an initiative for…

The Arctic’s Iceless Upheaval

Anybody who closely follows global warming knows that the Arctic has been clobbered 2-3 times beyond the impact on the planet. And knowledgeable sources also know that what happens in the Arctic doesn’t stay in the Arctic. After all, for…

ARD’s Fact Finder, genetic engineering and Vandana Shiva

Those who buy “organic” do so in order to obtain food and products that are free of genetic engineering and pesticides and that have also been produced in a more environmentally friendly and sustainable way. The organic market has grown…

Neoliberal model, the trigger for an unprecedented crisis

The neoliberal model that reigns in the world has unleashed an unprecedented crisis, based on the excesses of extraction, production and consumption that exacerbate economic inequality and the overexploitation of resources and the force of work; for this reason, a…

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